Idioms connected with using language

 0    17 schede    angielskagr3
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talking at cross-purposes
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mowic o rzeczach wiadomych
got the wrong end of the stick
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zrozumieć odwrotnie
get a world in edgeways
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nie może dojść do słowa
can't make head or tail of what smb saying
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zupełnie nie rozumieć
talk down to smb
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talking behind my back
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small talk
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talk shop
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rozmawiac o pracy
give him a talking to
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start the ball rolling
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to start discusion
out it in a nutshell
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say it in few words
get to the point soon
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przejść do konkretów
to speak my mind
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say exaclly what i think
wrap up the disscusion
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finish the disscusion
talk rubbish
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speak stupid things
talk sense
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speak inteligent, reasonable things
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say thing in a long, indirect way

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