Justina 17th Oct 2014

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Nie wiem jak to powiedzieć po angielsku?
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I don't know how to say it in English?
przy stole / przy biurku
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at my table/ at my desk
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really? / seriously?
zdrzemnać się
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to take a nap
w samolocie
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on the plane
w autobusie
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on the bus
w pociągu
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on the train
w samochodzie
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in the car
wsiadać (do samochodu)
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to get in a car
wsiadać (do autobusu)
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to get on a bus
przyczyna, powód
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What's the reason?
Jaki jest problem?
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What is the problem?
What's happened? / What happened?
Ja chce zostac w domu.
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I want to stay at home.
Muszę chodzic do pracy piec dni w tygodniu.
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I have to go to work five days a week.
W zeszlym tygodniu musialam pójść do pracy szesc razy.
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Last week I had to go to work six times.
Dwa tygodnie temu nie musialam pojsc do pracy szesc razy.
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Two weeks ago I didn't have to go to work six times.
Czy musialas isc do pracy szesc razy w zeszlym tygodniu?
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Did you have to go to work six times last week?
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W przyszlym tygodniu bede musiala pojsc do pracy siedem razy.
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Next week I will have to go to work seven times.
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to regret (not) doing something
I regret leaving school so young.
Zaluje, ze kupilam ten samochod.
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I regret buying this car.
I shouldn't have bought this car.
Zaluje, ze nie pomoglam mojemu kuzynowi.
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I regret not helping my cousin.
I should have helped my cousin.
Żałuję, że nie odrobiłam lekcji.
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I regret not doing my hw.
I should have done my homework.
powinnaś / powinieneś
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you should = you ought TO (stronger)
Powinnaś im pomóc.
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You should help them. = You ought to help them.
On powinien był zrobić lekcje.
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He ought to have done his hw. = He should have done his hw.
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to prepare
Jestem pewna, że on zostawił klucze na stole.
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You must have left your keys on the table.
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to forget - forgot - forgotten
Jestem pewna, że oni rozstali się.
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they must have broken up.
Nie wolno tu palić.
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you MUSTn't smoke here.
nie wolno kłamać
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you mustn't lie
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to appreciate
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