idioms/ fixed phrases 8

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Domanda English Risposta English
donkey's years
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a long time
kill two birds with one stone
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achieve two things with one action
let the cat out of the bag
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reveal a secret
like water off a duck's back
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having no effect
make a fool of yourself
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make oneself look stupid
make a mountain out of a molehill
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cause a fuss about a trivial matter
no room to swing a cat
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no room at all
play cat and mouse with sb
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keep sb in a state of uncertain expectation treating them alternatively cruellu and kindly
put the cat among the pigeons
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cause trouble/ controversy
rain cats and dogs
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rain heavily
swim like a fish
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swim very well
talk the hind leg off a donkey
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talk for a long time, uninterrupted
the rat race
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the competitive nature of modern urban life
until the cows come home
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for a long time
mutton dressed as lamb
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dress in a style younger than / inappropriate to your age
sour grapes
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say unpleasant comments because of jelaousy
sweet tooth
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enjoy eating sweet things
get nowhere fast
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make no/ little progress
pay sb's way
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contribute your share of a bil/budget
white-collar job
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office/clerical work
fly on the wall
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see/hear sth in a situation which does not involve you
achilles heel
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weakest point of sb's character
wash sb's hands of sb
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refuse to be involved with sb
a pain in the neck
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annoying person/thing
be all fingers and thumbs
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be awkward, clumsy
get cold feet
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lose courage to do sth
give sb cold shoulder
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ignore/ shun sb
have a cheek / nerve
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act/ speak boldly or impudently
have a sharp tongue
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tend to say unkind or hurtful things
have an eye for sth
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be a good judge of sth
look down one's nose at sth/sb
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feel/ act superior to sb
lose one's head
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lose self-control
put one's heart and soul into sth
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be devoted to sth
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not serious, ironic
tooth and nail
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turn a blind eye to sth
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not lose any sleep over sth
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not worry about sth
jack of all trades
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sb who is able to do a variety of jobs
a storm in a teacup
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a lot of fuss about sth that is not important
bring sth home to sb
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make sb understand how important/ serious sth is
bite off more than you can chew
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try to do sth which is too difficult
in clover
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living a luxurious / comfortable life
face the music
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be criticised/ punished for sth you have done

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