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rough weather
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stormy weather
a pile up
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an accident which many vehicles took a part
pedestrian zones
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an area where cars can't drive
a jet lag
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adjusting to new time zone
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when the train comes after the time from schedule
a tailback
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long traffic jam
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gruellin jurney
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a jurney with problems
to cause the hassle
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to make the problems
to have a puncture
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to have a flat tire
speed camera
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a device which is used to measure cars velocity
lane closure
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the lane is closed
a bottle neck
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a narrowing the lane
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disease which is connected with boat traveling.
to be insulated from
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to be isolated
congestion charge
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high fee which has to be paid when you want get to the city centre by car
speed bumpy
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special device which is mouted on a street to prevent overspeed by drivers
a restaurant car
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a train wagon where you can eat some meal or drink coffe
platform aleration
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platform change
anti-lock breaks
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break sys. which is prevent the car skidding
fogbound runways
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runway is not possible to use owing to dense fog
a sleepy compartment
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compartment where you can sleep during train traveling
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land to refuel and continuing flight
to enhance understanding
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to make that sth is better to understand
speed limit
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speed limit in inglese
velocity which cannot be crossed
aisle seat
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seat next to the coridor

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