ASJP, 24.03.2014

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in the meantime
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w międzyczasie
to sit
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hide and seek
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zabawa w chowanego
I’d like to book a room.
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chciałabym zabukować pokój?
How much do you charge?
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Jaką opłatę pobieracie?
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available rooms
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wolne pokoje
How many are in your party?
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Ile was jest w ekipie?
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suma ogólna, całkowita
double room
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pokój z jednym dużym łóżkiem
twin room
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pokój z dwoma łóżkami
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room en suite
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pokój z łazienką
hotel facilities
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udogodnienia hotelowe
What time is breakfast?
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O której jest śniadanie?
Is breakfast included in the price?
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Czy śniadanie jest wliczone w cenę?
I appreciate it.
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jestem wdzięczna / dosł. doceniam to
I will appreciate it.
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będę wdzięczna
I’d like to order a wake-up call.
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chcialabym zamowic budzenie
the 18th of April
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osiemnasty kwietnia
Is there a mini bar in the room?
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czy w pokoju jest barek?
How much do you charge for the mini bar?
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Jaką opłatę pobieracie za barek?
Is there a safe in the room?
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czy w pokoju jest sejf?
extra charge
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dodatkowa opłata
What do you serve for breakfast?
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Co podajecie na śniadanie?
We serve continental breakfast.
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Podajemy śniadanie kontynentalne.
What time do you serve breakfast?
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O której podajecie śniadanie?
We serve breakfast from 8 to 10.
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Podajemy śniadanie od ósmej do dziesiątej.
Can I have your email address, please?
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Czy mogę prosić twój adres mailowy?
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remote control
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