angielskie słówka i zwroty

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the fuss
powodować ból
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cause pain
nie bać się
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man in tune
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on the whole
dirty and untidy person
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old fashioned and borning
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wear less formal clothes (niewystrojony)
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dress down
suitable for formal occasions (formalne)
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atrakcyjne ubranie
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to be dress to kill
very fashionable (modne)
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all the rage
extremly fashionable way (niezwykle modne)
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the height fashion
speak without preparing (bez przygotowania)
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speak off the cuff
to have a close working relationship with someone (być z kimś blisko zaprzyjaźnionym)
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to be hand in glove with someone
simple and plain (prosty, zwyczajny)
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without frills
free drink (drink gratis)
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a drink on the house
information that is true but not pleasant or welcome (nieprzyjemna prawda)
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home truths
notging special (nic specjalnego)
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nothing to write home about
that's what always happens to me
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that's the story of my life
have a wonderful time
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have the time of your life
become more energetic and active than before
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get a new lease of life
not as good as people say
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done so often is boring
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complex and impossible to understand (niezrozumiały, zagmatwany)
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impossible to belive
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exciting and keeping your attention the whole time
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wpadający w pamięć
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a housewarming party
wieczór panieński
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a girl's night out
pieczór kawalerski
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a hen party
spędzać czas z kimś
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to hang out hith, knock around with
staying to loong (zadużywać gościnności)
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outstaying my welcome
someone who loves going to the parties
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party animal
wyjść na miasto
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go out on the town
przyjacielski, friendly
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przepis na katastrofę
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recipe for disaster
make more lively
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spice up
went wrong (interesy poszły niezbyt dobrze)
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things turned sour
exciting and interesting
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interesting story
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page turner
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książka, której nie mozna przestać czytać
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compulsive reading, can't put down
difficult to read
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heavy going
become involved
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get into it
podzielić rachunek
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split the bill
ja stawiam
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it's on me
bądź naszym gościem
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be our guest

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