5th Sept 2014

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Jeli chodzi o...
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As far as the word ...,
dopasowany garnitur
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fitted suit
Jak nazwiesz ...?
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What would you call ...?
NEVER: how would you call
kanał ściekowy, rynsztok
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seamstress?, dressmaker
wdzięczny komuś
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to be grateful to someone
w celibacie
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on celibate
zmysłowy, cielesny
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There was jubilation that a local team had come first.
happiness and pleasure because you have been successful
bez dwóch zdań
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hands down= easily
Nigel always won hands down in any argument.
win (something)/beat somebody hands down
napaćkać, nasmarować (grubo nałożyć)
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to slather sth with sth
a slice of homemade bread, slathered with jam
to cover something with a thick layer of a soft substance
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a cold Mexican dish made with crushed avocado
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a sauce made from onions, tomatoes and chillies that you put on Spanish or Mexican food
a way of thinking about something, especially one which is influenced by the type of person you are or by your experiences
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perspective on sth
His father's death gave him a whole new perspective on life.
szczery, niepozorowany
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niewola, poddaństwo (ograniczenie wolności)
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ince the age of 13 he had been in bondage.
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sea shanty
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antenna, aerial BrE
Chodzę do lekarza...
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I go to the doctor twice a year. I have my health checked.
na stadionie
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in the stadium
bez zastanowienia
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Off the top of my head
Zawsze chciałam...
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I have always wanted
Zgubiłam drogę
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I lost my way
prowadzący program TV
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television host
w wieku...
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aged 74
w wielu jęzkach
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in many jęzkach
być pod przykrywką
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to be undercover
następstwo, wynik (np. wojny, klęski żywiołowej)
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the danger of disease in the aftermath of the earthquake
the period of time after something such as a war, storm, or accident when people are still dealing with the results
coś przynosi mi spełnienie
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I find sth fulfilling

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