2. Economy & Brexit

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Domanda English Risposta English
area of sth; a lot of sth
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pockets of sth
Pockets of labour shortage
change of sth; rotacja
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churn rate
to little workers; brak pracowników
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labour shortage
sprzedaż detaliczna
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inflacja in inglese
sth becoming smaller and smaller
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amount of workers; podaż siły roboczej
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labour supply
work; praca
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the process of losing value
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wynajem nieruchomości
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property rental
having negative/ harmful effect on sth
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dochód narodowy brutto PKB
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Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
a sale of an unwanted business at a low price to encourage someone to buy it; wyprzedaż, likwidacja
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In a good situation to be able to do something
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well-placed; well-positioned
to deal successfully with a difficult situation or a problem
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Our boat was able to weather the storm
relating to a period of time that is neither very soon nor very far into the future (2 - 10 years); średniookresowy
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