Zwroty np. in terms of something

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Domanda Risposta
w odniesieniu do czegoś
inizia ad imparare
with regard/reference to something
w ślad za czymś
inizia ad imparare
in the wake of something
w kontekście czegoś
inizia ad imparare
In the context of something
w gruncie rzeczy
inizia ad imparare
in essence
w razie czegoś
inizia ad imparare
in the event of something
w rzeczywistości
inizia ad imparare
in the event
jeśli chodzi o...
inizia ad imparare
as regards, in regard to
pod względem (czegoś)
inizia ad imparare
in terms of (something)
w żadnym wypadku
inizia ad imparare
by no means

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