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dlaczego nie odpowiadasz
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Why are you not answering
czyj jest ten rower
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Whose is this bike
stara spiewka
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the same old story
czy coś jest nie tak
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is something wrong
jestem bardzo zajęty w pracy
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I'm very busy at work
dobrze cie widzieć
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good to see you
co porabiałeś wczoraj
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What have you been doing today
czy wiedziałeś że
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did you know that
przykro mi to slyszeć
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I am sorry to hear it
wiesz co mam na myśli
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You know what I mean
wiesz co
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guess what
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brzmi swietnie
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sounds great
powiedź mi wiecej o
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Tell me more about
pozdrów jego żonę
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say hello to his wife
wygląda na to że to możliwe
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it seems that it is possible

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