Z1 09.01.2014

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New Year’s Resolution? To lose weight.
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Noworoczne postanowienie? Schudnąć.
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napój gazowany
chips (UK) / French fries (USA)
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crisps (UK) / chips (USA)
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To have here or to take away?
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Na miejscu czy na wynos?
I’ll have it for a starter.
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Wezmę to na przystawkę.
Coming right up. / Marchando. (Spanish)
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Już się robi.
side dishes
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dodatki (np. sałatki)
starter / appetizer (Am.E.)
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main course
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danie główne
extras / side dishes
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dessert / desert
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deser / pustynia
What do you recommend?
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Co polecasz?
the meal of the day
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danie dnia
What’s your specialty?
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Jaka jest wasza specjalność?
Are you OK?
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Jesteś gotowy, żeby zamawiać?
a pint of beer
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pinta piwa 
That’s all, thank you.
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To wszystko, dziękuję.
I’m not satisfied with the service in this restaurant.
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Nie jestem zadowolony z obsługi w tej restauracji.
This turn of beer is on the house.
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Ta kolejka piwa jest na koszt firmy.
Enjoy your meal!
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Do you feel like something sweet?
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Masz ochotę na coś słodkiego?
It makes my mouth water.
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Ślinka mi na to cieknie.
Cherries make my mouth water.
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Ślinka mi cieknie na czereśnie.
Silesian dinner: rolled meat, dumplings, and red cabbage
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Silesian dinner: rolled meat, dumplings, and red cabbage
I have no idea.
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Nie mam pojęcia.
Nothing comes to my mind.
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Nic mi nie przychodzi do głowy.
This whisky goes straight to my head.
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Ta whisky uderza mi do głowy.

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