xmas oct 12

 0    25 schede    jakubkoralewski
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Domanda Risposta
Życzę zdrowia szczęścia
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I wish you health happiness
wszystko co najlepsze
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all the best
jesteś bardzo zdrowy
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you are very healthy
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jak życie?
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how is life?
najlepsza na świecie
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the best in the world
Chciałbym bilet
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I would like a ticket
nie na otwartej przestrzeni
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not open space
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specjalny przedział
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special compartment
czy masz specjalne miejsce?
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do you have a special place?
Jak życie?
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How is life?
Jak idą interesy?
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How is business?
Jak w pracy?
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How is work?
Jak tam rodzina?
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How is family?
Jak mija weekend?
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How's your weekend?
Jak masz na imię?
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What is your name?
Kim jesteś z zawodu?
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What is your job?
Jakie jest Twoje hobby?
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What is your hobby?
W jakim jesteś wieku?
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What is your age?
Jaka jest twoja narodowość?
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What is your nationality?
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Karmię psa
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I feed the dog
biegam rano
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I run in the morning
psie jedzenie
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dog food

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