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I would say that
I would say that such a view is unacceptable.
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Chciałbym powiedzieć, że
It seems to me that...
It seems to me that his arguments are difficult to prove.
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Wydaje mi się, że...
In my opinion
In my opinion, it is not worth its price.
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Moim zdaniem
I am of the opinion that
I am of the opinion that it is impossible.
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Jestem zdania, że
I am of the view that
I am of the view that it is very probable.
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Jestem zdania, że
As for
As for me, I would have done it.
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co do, jeśli chodzi o
To my mind
To my mind, it is nonsense
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według mnie
As far as I know
As far as I know it works in a different way.
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Z tego, co wiem
As far as I am concerned
As far as I am concerned they can do what they want.
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Jeśli chodzi o mnie chodzi
According to (sb)
According to the author...
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według (kogoś innego niż ja)
I reckon (that)
I reckon these allegations are unjustified.
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Uważam, że
I opine (that)
I opine that such a statement is ridiculous.
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uważam, że
I hold the view that
I hold the view that it cannot be correct.
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reprezentuję pogląd/zdanie, że
From sb’s standpoint
Try to think of it from my standpoint.
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z czyjegoś punktu widzenia
I think (that)
I think the authors exaggerate.
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Myślę, że (to)
I have every reason to believe that
I have every reason to believe that it could not happen for real.
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Mam wszelkie powody, by sądzić, że
Judging from/by
Judging from the facts it is possible.
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sądząc po
I suppose (that)
I suppose he did not consider the elementary rules.
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Przypuszczam, że (to)
I guess (that)
I guess he wrote it himself.
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zgaduję, że
I claim (that)
He claims he followed the instructions.
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twierdzę/utrzymuję, że
I assert that
I assert that the thesis is to be substantiated.
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twierdzę/zapewniam, że
I maintain (that)
He maintained his innocence.
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upieram się/obstaję przy tym, że
I consider sb (to be)
I consider the author (to be) a great novelist.
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uważam kogoś za
I believe (that)
I believe (that) this conclusion is legitimate.
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sądzić, uważać, przypuszczać –
I am convinced that
I am convinced that it may happen.
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Jestem przekonany, że

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