workout lexicon

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mięsień czworogłowy,
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quads, quadriceps
"mięsień piwny"
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spare tire
I'd like to get rid of my spare tire and fed shredded before the holidays while it's still time for it.
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He did fifty crunches every day.
zrzucić kilogramy
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shed pounds
sprzęt treningowy
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workout gear
sztanga (gryf)
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weight bar
(system) zamkniętego obiegu
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closed loop
A closed loop control system is a mechanical or electronic device that automatically regulates a system to maintain a desired state or set point without human interaction. It uses a feedback system or sensor.
permakultura (projektowanie ekologiczne)
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ćwiczenie pajacyk
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jumping jack
The jumping jack begins with hands at sides and both feet together.

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