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I buy a _____ ______ every time I’m in the newsagent’s but I never win anything
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scrach card
Weekends and holidays are the only time we can have _________ ________ together
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quality time
I’m on a diet so I take ______- ______ milk with my coffee
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semi-skimmed milk
The Prime Minister hired a _______ _________ to improve his public image
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spin doctor
I left my car on the pavement for just five minutes and when I came back it was ________ed
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______ _______ is better than a session with a therapist because you get something for your money
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retail therapy
I like a cup of ______ before going to bed. It doesn’t keep me awake.
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Just ignore her bad temper she is having a _______ _______ day
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bad hair day
During his studies James took a _______ _______ to ravel round the world
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gap year
When drives behave aggressively we call it ________ _______
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road rage
We still do not know if ______________ is safe for us or not
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GM food
I promise
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You have my word.
I didn’t say that
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You are putting words in my mouth.
I don’t know what to say
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Words fail me.
He was a quiet person
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He was a man of few words.
It is difficult to explain clearly what I feel
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It is difficult to put into words what I feel.
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In a word.
New customers find me through recommendation
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Word of mouth.
To put it another way
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In other words.
I believe you
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I take your word for it.

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