What are your hobbies?

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My hobbies are gardening, fishing,...
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Moje hobby to ogrodnictwo, wędkarstwo,...
I'm also a big reader.
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Jestem także zapalonym czytelnikiem.
I am interested in...
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Interesuje się...
When I can, I love
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Kiedy tylko mogę, uwielbiam
I have a lot of hobbies.
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Posiadam dużo zainteresowań.
I enjoy walking and mountain climbing.
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Uwielbiam spacerować i wspinać się po górach.
It relaxes me.
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To mnie relaksuje.
I have been interested in a law for the past five years.
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Od 5-ciu lat inteersuję się prawem.
For the past six years I have been an avid basketball player.
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Od 6-ciu lat jestem zapalonym graczem koszykówki.
I do it with passion.
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Robię to z pasją.

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