war on Ukraine

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Bomba wodorowa
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H- bomb
a nuclear bomb that explodes when the central parts of its hydrogen atoms join together
a hydrogen bomb
towary konsumpcyjne, materiały eksploatacyjne
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goods that people buy regularly because they are quickly used and need to be replaced often:
It is now the leading supplier of non-food consumables to hotels and caterers. computer consumables, such as ink cartridges and printer paper
zakopać topór wojenny
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to bury the hatchet
to make peace
Can't you two just bury the hatchet?
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treating someone as if you are more important or more intelligent than them
I hate the way he's so condescending to his staff! condescension
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I'm assertive! not domineering
rozpocząć inwazję na pełną skalę
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to launch a full-scale invasion
chwycić za broń
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to take up arms
The nobles had a try to instigate revolutionary atmosphere amongst the peasants and encourage them to take up arms and fight for the country's freedom.
zaplecze, głąb kraju
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the land behind the coast or the banks of a river, or an area of a country that is far away from cities. a part of the country that is far away from the big city areas
The touring theater group took its production into the hinterland. agricultural hinterland
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fighting a war, wishing to fight or argue
The belligerent countries are having difficulties funding the war. Watch out! Lee's in a belligerent mood. belligerent gesture. belligerents
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a place where ships are built or repaired
potrzask, pułapka, problem
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a likely mistake or problem in a situation
The store fell into one of the major pitfalls of small business, borrowing from suppliers by paying bills late. There's a video that tells new students about pitfalls to avoid.
przemówienie inauguracyjne
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inaugural address
He held his inaugural speech in the radio on 29 September.
miejsca w parlamencie
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seats in Parliament
Forecasts show that the ruling party is no longer supported so unequivocally by the larger proportion of the society. It may result in their loss of many seats in parliament.
walny, przytłaczający
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a landslide
A landslide approval was voiced for his candidacy. You always win this county by a landslide.
W gwoli ścisłości
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in all fairness
In all fairness, it must take some guts to run for election.
wyburzać (np. ścianę, stary budynek) pchać, przewalić,
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bulldoze through something despite opposition
różnica, przewaga, margines
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Margin between 1st and 2nd place is only 14 points.
przeginać granicę
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too far, too far
a bridge too far my dear lady.
zorganizować publicznie wydarzenie, zdiagnozować chorobę, wystawić sztukę
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to organize an event
London staged the Olympic Games in 2012. Pro-Russian party stages fake elections. The local drama group is staging a production of the musical "Grease". We still haven't staged your disease yet, so don't lose hope.
nazywać, określić, warunek, okres
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to give something a name or to describe it with a particular expression
Technically, a horse that is smaller than 1.5 metres at the shoulder is termed a pony. The project will have long-term benefits.
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to tell someone officially about something
The school is required to notify parents if their children fail to come to school. Has everyone been notified of the decision? We notified the police that the bicycle had been stolen.
wojna na wyniszczenie
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war of attrition, attrition warfare
Oddział Operacyjny Służb Specjalnych (w armii USA)
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delta force
kanał (np. wentylacyjny), przewód
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The air duct is too small for me to crawl into it.

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