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Domanda English Risposta English
Casual acquaintance
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a person that you have met but do not know well
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a group of people who work together
True friends
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people who you know well and who you like a lot, you can rely on them and trust them
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your feelings of support or duty towards someone or something
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a mistake, especially something for which you are to blame
To speak behind backs
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saying bad things about us when we are not here
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a person or organisation ready to help you
Bussines partners
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people who own the same bussines
Bitter rivals
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people in competition with each other in an aggressive and negative way
Disloyal to
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not supporting someone that you should support:
Critical of
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saying that someone or something is bad or wrong:
Dishonest with
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not honest, and so deceiving or cheating people
Scrupulously honest
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extremely honest,
Complete and unswerving loyalty
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whole, perfect loyalty which is always strong and never becomes weak
Staunch ally
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always loyal and supporting person
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the help and support of someone or something
Deeply critical
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extremely or strongly critical
Break down
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the end of relationship
Genuine misunderstandings
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serious disagreement, argument, or fight:
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serious disagreement that divides people/
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disagreement and discontent/
In don’t see eye to eye
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have different opinions
Turn sour
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become bad -
Split up
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has ups and downs
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has good and bad moments
Bumpy relationship
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up and down like a car on the road with bumps
Broken home
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family split up by divorce
Family feud
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quarrel in a family causing bad feeling for many years –

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