vocabulary in context 5

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Domanda English Risposta English
commission (n)
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pension (n)
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a sum of money paid by the gouvernement to sb who is too old or too ill to work
dividend (n)
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(a part of) the profit of a company that is paid to the people who own shares in it
interest (bank) (n)
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money that you earn from keeping your money in an account in a bank
tax rebate (n)
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an amount of money that is paid back to you if you have paid too much tax
alimony (n)
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an amount of money you pay to your partner after the divorce
fee (n)
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an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work or service
overdue (adj)
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standing order (n)
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zlecenie stałe
stake money (n)
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an amount of money that you invest in sth
expenditure (n)
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the total amount of money that you spends
buy in bulk (v)
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buy in large amounts
bargain (n)
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hire purchase (n)
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a method of paying for something in which the buyer pays part of the cost immediately and then makes small regular payments until the debt is completely paid
jumble sale (n)
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a sale of a mixed collection of things that people no longer want
voucher (n)
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a piece of paper that can be used to pay for particular goods or services or that allows you to pay less than the usual price for them
off-peak (adj)
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not at the most popular and expensive time
cheap rate (n)
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the amount charged for a service which is lower than usual because there is not so much demand for the service at that time
counterfoil (n)
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the part of a ticket, cheque, etc. which is kept as a record of payment
prosperous (adj)
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successful, usually by earning a lot of money
affluent (adj)
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poverty-stricken (adj)
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a person or a place suffering from the effects of being extremely poor
be in the red (v)
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if you or your bank account are in the red, you owe money to the bank
overdraft (n)
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an amount of money that a customer with a bank account is temporarily allowed to owe to the bank
manual labour (n)
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work involving physical effort
annual rate of inflation
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roczny poziom inflacji
devaluation (n)
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reduction of the rate at which money can be exchanged for foreign money
reflationary policy
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policy which is focused on increasing the amount of money in use in a country's economy
fiscal matters
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connected with (public) money
the Treasury (n)
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skarb państwa
revenue (n)
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the income that a government or company receives regularly
gross national product (n)
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the sum total of the money earned through a nation's goods and services
deflate (v)
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to reduce the supply of money in an economy zmniejszyć obieg pieniądza
mining (n)
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welfare (n)
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help given
prop sth up (v)
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to give support to something, especially a country or organization, so that it can continue to exist in a difficult situation
the Exchequer
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Minister Skarbu
output (n)
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an amount of something produced by a person, machine, factory, country
import quotas (n)
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import restrictions
restraint (n)
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calm and controlled behaviour
direct tax (n)
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concerns people's income
indirect tak (n)
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levied on goods and services
levy (v)
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nałożyć podatek
underemployed (adj)
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not having enough work to do, or having a job that does not use all your skills
overmanned (adj)
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be in the black
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if a bank account is in the black, it contains some money

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