Voc. (U I, II) part 4

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Domanda Risposta
w weekend
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at the weekend
godzina 12
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at 12 o’clock
w nocy
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at night
na lunchu
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at lunchtime
w Lipcu
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in July
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in the morning
w 2010 roku
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in 2010
w zimę
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in the winter
w XI wieku
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the twenty-first century
w sobotę
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on Saturday
w 4 książce...
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in the 4 a book by Dickens
w filmie Spielberga
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on a film by Spielberg
w TV
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on TV
w radio
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on the radio
przez telefon, na telefon
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on the phone
na spacerze
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on go for a walk
na jeździe (dysku?)
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on a drive
w podróży statkiem
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on travel by boat
w samolocie, autokarze, pociągu
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plane, coach, train
wzdłóż autostrady
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on along the motorway
przez most
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on over the bridge
przez główny plac
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through the main square
przejść się po mieście
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go around the city
w pobliżu centrum miasta
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near the city centre
pomiędzy katedrą a muzeum
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between the cathedral and the museum
obok supermarketu
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next to the supermarket
naprzeciwko kina
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opposite the cinema
5 lipca
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on 5th of July
w poniedziałek rano
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on monday morning
w nowy rok
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on New Year’s Day
przez pomyłkę
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by mistake
na własną rękę
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on my own
w interesach
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on business
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by chance
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by hand
w końcu
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in the end
w celu
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on purpose
o czasie
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on time
w momencie
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in a moment
w pośpiechu
inizia ad imparare
in a hurry

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