uses of 'look'

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Wygląda na to, że
appears to be
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look as if
It looks as if it's going to rain - there are big black clouds over there.
patrzeć z góry
believe that someone is less important than you
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look down on
Everyone in his class looks down on him because he's from a poor neighbourhood.
planning to
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looking to
Next year we are looking to expand the business and attract clients from overseas.
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przeczytaj in inglese
look over
Make sure you look over the contract very carefully before you sign it.
be excited and happy about a future event
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look forward to
I'm really looking forward to going on holiday next week - I can't wait!
zwiększać, sprawdzać
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look up
Finally things are starting to look up - I've been offered a job and I'm going on my first date in years!
trying to find
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looking for
dobrze wygląda
appears intelligent and/or handsome
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has the look
the appearance of
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the look of
wygląda na, wyrobiona opinia
has a particular opinion
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look on
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look like

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