US economy is nowhere near a recession

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pull off
The soft landing that once looked nearly impossible for the Federal Reserve to pull off is still on track.
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(verb) to succeed in doing something difficult
Even though he concedes inflation has come in hotter-than-expected so far this year, the Goldman economist is sticking by his prescient call for a soft landing.
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(verb) = confess
The Goldman economist is sticking by his prescient call for a soft landing.
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(adj) having or showing knowledge of events before they take place
To fight inflation, the Federal Reserve spiked interest rates in 2022 and 2023 at the fastest pace since 1980s under legendary Fed chief Paul Volcker
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(adj) huyền thoại
Many feared that war on inflation would cause unemployment to surge and short-circuit the economic recovery from Covid19.
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(adj) làm cái gì đó đoản mạch
A recession could doom that effort.
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(verb) to make somebody/something certain to fail, suffer, die etc
= damage

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