unit 3 part 1

 0    27 schede    mmakowiecki10
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Domanda Risposta
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raising the money for the company
authorised share capital
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maximum amount of share capital that company can issue
issued capital
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part of authorized capital which has been issued to shareholders, must be paid
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someone who buys the shares
ordinary shares
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shares which give shareholders voting right and a amount of dividends
preference shares
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without voting right
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profits of the company which are given to the shareholders
share subdivision
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marketability of shares / podział akcji
share consolidation
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reverse split / konsolidacja akcji
pre-emption rights
the right to buy the shares at first.
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prawa pierwokupu
special resolution
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number to cast a vote e.g. 3/4
rights issue
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selling shares only to existing shareholders, issue intended a group of people
direct placement
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inform to issuing a sell shares to individuals
bond / debenture (debenture stocks)
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obligacja, udziały, akcje
loan capital
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capital has been borrowed
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instrumenty finansowe
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fixed charge
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stała opłata
floating charge
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zmienna opłata (ze względu na aktualną cene akcji)
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aktywa firmy / property of the company
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to entail / to involve
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pociągać za sobą
to typify
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być typowym przykładem
to recover
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to regain
to waive / to give up
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