Unit 1 - This is us

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Domanda English Risposta English
To transmit something from one generation to another
Las tradiciones locales suelen transmitirse a través de la familia.
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To pass down through
Local traditions are usually passed down through family.
To generally encourage or support something
Las tendencias globales tienden a promover ideas neoliberales.
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Tend to promote
Global trends tend to promote neoliberal ideas.
To consider something to be unfortunate or upsetting
Me parece un poco triste.
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To find sth sad
I find this a bit sad.
To experience a lack of connection or belonging
Eso me hace sentir desconectado, lo cual no es agradable.
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To feel disconnected
That makes me feel disconnected, which isn’t great.
Además, el proyecto es beneficioso para la comunidad.
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Moreover, the project is beneficial for the community.
Además, deberíamos considerar el impacto ambiental.
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Furthermore, we should consider the environmental impact.
También me gusta leer en mi tiempo libre.
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I also like reading in my free time.
De la misma manera
De la misma manera, él prefiere trabajar solo.
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Likewise, he prefers to work alone.
Igualmente, sus opiniones son válidas.
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Similarly, their opinions are valid.
Por ejemplo
Me gusta la música clásica, por ejemplo, Mozart y Beethoven.
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For example
I like classical music, for example, Mozart and Beethoven.
Es decir
Es decir, necesitamos más recursos.
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That is to say
That is to say, we need more resources.
En otras palabras
En otras palabras, el plan no es viable.
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In other words
In other words, the plan is not feasible.
Como resultado
Como resultado, la empresa creció rápidamente.
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As a result
As a result, the company grew quickly.
Por lo tanto
Por lo tanto, debemos actuar con precaución.
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Therefore, we must act with caution.
En consecuencia
En consecuencia, tomamos una nueva dirección.
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Consequently, we took a new direction.
Por consiguiente
Por consiguiente, ajustamos el presupuesto.
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Accordingly, we adjusted the budget.
No fui porque estaba enfermo.
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I didn’t go because I was sick.
Debido a
El evento se canceló debido al mal tiempo.
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Due to
The event was canceled due to bad weather.
Dado que
Dado que no tienes tiempo, lo haré yo.
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Since you don’t have time, I’ll do it.
Ya que
Ya que terminamos, podemos irnos.
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As we are done, we can leave.
Mientras estudiaba, escuchaba música.
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While studying, I was listening to music.
A pesar de que
A pesar de que llovía, salimos.
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Even though
Even though it was raining, we went out.
Aunque hace frío, saldré.
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Although it is cold, I will go out.
Sin embargo
Me gusta el cine; sin embargo, no tengo tiempo.
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I like movies; however, I don’t have time.
No obstante
No me gusta el fútbol; no obstante, lo respeto.
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I don’t like football; nevertheless, I respect it.
Me gusta el café, pero prefiero el té.
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I like coffee, but I prefer tea.
Por otro lado
No me gusta correr; por otro lado, amo nadar.
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On the other hand
I don’t like running; on the other hand, I love swimming.
En cambio
No tomé café, en cambio bebí té.
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I didn’t have coffee; instead, I drank tea.
Por el contrario
Me gusta el frío; por el contrario, odio el calor.
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I like the cold; conversely, I hate the heat.
Antes de
Antes de salir, revisa las puertas.
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Before leaving, check the doors.
Después de
Después de comer, vamos al cine.
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After eating, we are going to the movies.
Mientras tanto
Él cocinaba; mientras tanto, yo limpiaba.
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He was cooking; meanwhile, I was cleaning.
En primer lugar
En primer lugar, agradezco su ayuda.
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First of all
First of all, I appreciate your help.
Primero, revisemos el plan.
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First, let’s review the plan.
En segundo lugar
En segundo lugar, debemos reducir costos.
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Secondly, we must reduce costs.
Trabajé y luego descansé.
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I worked and then I rested.
Finalmente, logramos la meta.
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Finally, we achieved the goal.
Para concluir
Para concluir, gracias a todos.
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To conclude
To conclude, thank you all.
En conclusión
En conclusión, fue un buen año.
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In conclusion
In conclusion, it was a good year.
En resumen
En resumen, debemos mejorar.
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In summary
In summary, we need to improve.
En pocas palabras
En pocas palabras, no estoy de acuerdo.
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In short
In short, I don’t agree.
Es más
Es más, ni siquiera me saludó.
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What’s more
What’s more, he didn’t even say hi.
De hecho
De hecho, él ya lo sabía.
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In fact
In fact, he already knew.
Obviamente, debemos intentarlo.
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Obviously, we must try.
Por supuesto
Por supuesto, estoy de acuerdo.
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Of course
Of course, I agree.
Naturalmente, ella ganó el concurso.
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Naturally, she won the contest.
Sobre todo
Sobre todo, valoro la honestidad.
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Above all
Above all, I value honesty.
En particular
Me gusta el arte, en particular la pintura.
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In particular
I like art, in particular painting.
Me gusta la música, especialmente el jazz.
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I like music, especially jazz.
A propósito
A propósito, ¿cómo te fue en el examen?
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By the way
By the way, how did your exam go?
De todos modos
De todos modos, lo haré yo.
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Anyway, I’ll do it.
De cierta forma
En cierta forma, tienes razón.
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In a way
In a way, you are right.
So attracted by someone or something that you are always thinking about them
Está tan enamorado de ella que no puede dejar de pensar en ella.
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Besotted with (someone/something)
He is so besotted with her that he can't stop thinking about her.
Very pleased about something
Estaba encantado porque consiguió el trabajo de sus sueños.
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Chuffed to bits
He was chuffed to bits because he got his dream job.
Very unhappy because you do not believe that an unpleasant situation will improve
Se sentía abatido después de recibir malas noticias.
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He felt despondent after receiving bad news.
Unhappy or without hope
Estaba deprimido después de suspender el examen.
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Down in the dumps
He was down in the dumps after failing the exam.
So surprised that you do not know what to do or say
Me quedé estupefacto cuando gané la lotería.
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I was dumbfounded when I won the lottery.
Extremely happy and excited
Estaba eufórico tras recibir la oferta de trabajo.
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He was elated after receiving the job offer.
So interested or involved in something that you think about nothing else
Estaba tan absorto en el libro que no escuchó su nombre.
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Engrossed in (something)
He was so engrossed in the book that he didn’t hear his name.
Very surprised or shocked
Me quedé atónito cuando me dijeron que me ascendieron.
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I was flabbergasted when they told me I had been promoted.
Looking at something and not paying attention to anything else
Estaba pegado a la pantalla viendo su serie favorita.
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Glued to (something)
He was glued to the screen watching his favorite series.
To show a very, very strong feeling of anger
Se puso rojo de ira cuando vio los daños en su coche.
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Go apoplectic with rage
He went apoplectic with rage when he saw the damage to his car.
To become extremely angry
Se puso furioso cuando perdió su teléfono.
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Go ballistic
He went ballistic when he lost his phone.
If something grosses you out, it is so unpleasant that it makes you feel ill
La comida en mal estado me da asco.
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Gross out
Rotten food grosses me out.
Loving someone very much
Está locamente enamorado de su pareja.
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Head over heels in love (with someone)
He is head over heels in love with his partner.
Extremely frightened, especially so that you cannot move or decide what to do
Estaba petrificado al ver la serpiente.
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He was petrified when he saw the snake.
If someone or something repulses you, they are so unpleasant that you feel slightly ill when you see them or think about them
Me repelen los olores fuertes.
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Strong smells repulse me.
Extremely frightened
Estaba muerto de miedo en la casa embrujada.
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Scared out of your wits
He was scared out of his wits in the haunted house.
Showing that you think you are not very good or important
Su sentido del humor autocrítico es encantador.
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His self-deprecating sense of humor is charming.
Allowing yourself to have or to do something special that you like very much, often something that you should not have or do
A veces me permito un día de descanso total.
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Sometimes I allow myself a self-indulgent day off.
A self-made man or woman has become successful without help from other people
Es un empresario hecho a sí mismo.
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He is a self-made businessman.
Someone who is self-possessed behaves in a calm and confident way in difficult situations
Se mantuvo sereno durante la crisis.
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He remained self-possessed during the crisis.
Used for talking about people who have the qualities that a particular type of person should have
Un verdadero chef que se respete nunca usa ingredientes de mala calidad.
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A self-respecting chef would never use low-quality ingredients.
Choosing not to have or to do something that you want in order to help other people
Ella siempre antepone las necesidades de su familia.
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She is always self-sacrificing for her family.
Showing how pleased you are about your own situation in a way that annoys other people
Su expresión de autosatisfacción era irritante.
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His self-satisfied expression was annoying.
When you make yourself believe something good that is not true, especially something about yourself
Creer que puede hacerlo sin ayuda es un autoengaño.
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Act of self-deception
Believing he can do it without help is an act of self-deception.
To help someone to become able to do things for themself and not depend on other people
Los padres deben fomentar la autosuficiencia en sus hijos.
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Foster self-reliance
Parents should foster self-reliance in their children.
To have doubts about whether you are as important as other people and deserve to be respected and treated well
A veces duda de su propio valor.
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Question your self-worth
Sometimes he questions his self-worth.
To spend a lot of time feeling that your situation is worse than other people’s and that people should feel sad for you
Pasó días sumido en la autocompasión.
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Wallow in self-pity
He spent days wallowing in self-pity.
To be always talking about yourself or your achievements in a way that annoys other people
Es insoportable porque siempre habla de sus logros.
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Be full of yourself
He is unbearable because he is always full of himself.
Correctly, following all the rules or systems for doing something in a strict way
Hace todo siguiendo las reglas al pie de la letra.
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By the book
He does everything by the book.
To stop being shy and begin to confidently show your real character and feelings
Finalmente salió de su caparazón en la fiesta.
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Come out of your shell
He finally came out of his shell at the party.
Someone who likes to do the same thing at the same time every day
Siempre toma café a la misma hora; es una persona de hábitos.
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Creature of habit
He always has coffee at the same time; he's a creature of habit.
Someone who is determined to succeed and who works hard to achieve this
Es un emprendedor ambicioso y trabajador.
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He is a go-getter entrepreneur.
To be likely to become angry or offended very easily, especially about something that other people think should not upset you
Siempre está a la defensiva, como si tuviera una espina clavada.
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Have a chip on your shoulder
He always seems defensive, like he has a chip on his shoulder.
To be very enthusiastic about a particular activity and spend all the time you can doing it or talking about it
Vive y respira fútbol, es su pasión.
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Live and breathe (something)
He lives and breathes football; it’s his passion.
Someone who is unkind or unpleasant
Ese tipo es realmente desagradable.
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Nasty piece of work
That guy is a nasty piece of work.
Someone who enjoys being with other people and easily becomes friends with them
Es muy sociable y se lleva bien con todos.
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People person
He is a real people person and gets along with everyone.
Someone who spoils other people’s fun by being negative and complaining
Siempre arruina la diversión con sus quejas.
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Wet blanket
He always ruins the fun by being a wet blanket.

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