ula 17th Dec 2014

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zegar tyka
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—meaning that a woman may soon be too old to bear a child, as in Her biological clock is ticking—she just turned forty.
zegar tyka
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The clock is ticking on that project.
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your skin looks DULL
w paski
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stripy = striped
to mime doing sth
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Soundlessly, she mimed picking up a phone and speaking into it.
działa cuda
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it works magic on sth
z górnej półki (najwyższej jakości)
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sorry, że informuję późno
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sorry for the short notice
w krótkim terminie, w krótkim czasie
Thanks for agreeing to see me at such short notice.
a cancellation at very short notice
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if you do something at short notice, you do not have very much time to prepare for it
The trip was planned on short notice.
AT short notice BrE / on short notice AmE
wone rodniki
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wone radicals
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Britain grows 6,000,000 tonnes of potatoes a year.
czy słodzisz?
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do you take sugar with your coffee?

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