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mieć przewagę nad kimś
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gain/have an edge (over/on sb/sth)
stracić przewagę
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to lose your edge
Over the years, Germany to some extent lost its edge as a manufacturing base because of cheaper wages in Eastern Europe.
torować nowe drogi w czymś; wyznaczać kierunki rozwoju w jakiejś dziedzinie
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be at the cutting edge of sth; to be the cutting edge of sth
Staramy się bardzo, żeby...
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We make every effort to satisfy clients' wishes.
zgubić, zapodziać, zawieruszyć (np. klucze dokumenty) => mislay
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to put something somewhere, then forget where you put it
wściec się
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hit the roof / hit the ceiling
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If you say 'cut it out' to someone, you are telling them to stop doing something.
denerwować kogoś bardzo!
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makes one’s blood boil
cisza przed burzą
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the calm before the storm
bardzo spokojny
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cool, calm, and collected
przepytywać kogoś
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grill informal to ask someone a lot of difficult questions
She never grilled her husband about his work.
grill somebody about/on something
brutalne przebudzenie
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rude awakening
it brought a rude awaking
źle wychowany
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protekcjonalny ton
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patronizing tone
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to slurb
powodować zamieszanie
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cause/create HAvoc
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leek (C)
powiększać się, zwiększać się, rosnąć
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augMENT (formal)
Any surplus was sold to augment their income.
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a huge budget surplus of over £16 billion
powiększenie, zwiększenie, wzrost
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nieodłączny, inherentny
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inherent IN sth
I'm afraid the problems you mention are inherent in the system.
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All this new technology, and you'll get to be an intrinsic part of its development.
siemię lniane
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linseeds, flax seeds
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linen, flax (U)
znaczek z symbolem niepełnosprawnych
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disabled badge
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morski, nadmorski; prowincje nadmorskie
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maritime; maritime industry; maritime provinces
relating to the sea or ships; National Maritime Museum
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to undertake to do sth
podjąć się, przedsięwziąć
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undertake a task/a project/research/a study etc
umeblowanie kuchni
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kitchen furniture/fitting
zrobiony na zamówienie
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a surfeit of something
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He SET OUT the reasons for his decision in his report.
w przeciwieństwie do
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as opposed to

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