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przydać się
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to come in handy / to come n useful
She couldn't bear to throw away anything that might come in useful one day.
przydatny dla kogoś / do czegoś
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useful TO someone / for doing sth
dostęp do internetu
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(no article) Internet access, access to the Internet
podążać za rutyną
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follow a routine
żałować czegoś
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to repent OF sth
złożyć formalą skargę
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to file/lodge a formal complaint
wzorcowa wymowa brytyjska
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Benchmark British pronunciationRP / BBC English
zarobić dużo pieniędzy
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to make a bundle BY sth
tłumaczyć coś/ czyjeś zachowanie
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to account for
Recent pressure at work may account for his behavior. Can you account for your movements on that night?
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to account FOR
Afro-Americans account for 12% of the US population.
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a query about sth
Give us a ring if you have any queries about the contract.
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informacja o
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information about/on
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Places of interest (to visit)
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I was appalled by what I saw. When I heard what had happened I was absolutely appalled.
poziom obsługi
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the level of service offered by sb
zachowanie nie do zaakceptowania
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unacceptable behavior of sb

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