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Freudian slip
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Feudian ___
give sb the slip
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___ sb the slip (zwiać
allow an opportunity to slip
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allow an opportunity to ___
give a black look
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give a ___look
black ice
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____ ice (on roads)
lucky escape
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____ escape (szczęśliwe uniknięcie przykrej sytuacji
stretch sb
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stretch sb
stretch over 50 years
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____ over 50 years
take in
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przyjmować, przytulać
work the crowd
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to excite the audience
work miracles
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___ miracles (zdziałać)
hang up
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claim compensation
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____ compensation (domagać się)
claim hundreds of lives
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____ hundred of lives (zabrać)
claim victory over a rival
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____ victory over a rival
sell oneself short -
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sell oneself ___(mieć niskie mniemanie o czymś)
short temper
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____ temper
expose to a lot of criticism
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____ to a lot of criticism
expose the weakness
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_____ the weakness (ujawnić)
exposed to the scorching sun
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____ to the scorching sun (wystawiony)
have tunnel vision
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have ____ vision (mieć klapki na oczach)
go flat
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__ flat (rozładowac się)
flat rate
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__ rate (jednolita stawka)
speak volumes
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speak ____ (wymownie świadczyć)
speak your mind
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____ your mind
speak highly of
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_____ highly of sb
address the problem
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_____ the problem
leave sth to chance
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leave sth to ____ (losowi)
stand a chance
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stand a _____
games of chance
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games of ____ (gra hazadrowa)
pin hopes on sth
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pin ____ on sth
could hear a pin drop
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could hear a ___ drop (be extremely quiet)
body count
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body ____ (liczba ofiar śmiertelnych)
count sb out
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count sb ___ (wykluczyć)
lose count
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lose ____ (rachubę)
cover for
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cover ___ zastępować
cover 100 kms a day
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____100 kms a day
show sb in a good light
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show sb in a ____ light
foul play
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____ play (nieczysta gra)
foul language
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____ language (wulgarny)
strike right at the heart of
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strike right at the ____ of sth
strike the right balance
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____ the right balance (osiągnąć kompromis)
casual sex
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____ sex (przypadkowy)
casual trousers
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____ trousers (codzienne)
casual observer
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____ observer
pay dividends
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___ dividends (procentować)
pay lip service
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____ lip service (składać gołosłowne deklaracje poparcia)
cast a glance
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____ a glance (rzucić)
cast doubt on
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____ doubt on sth
steer clear of sth
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steer ___ of sth (trzymac się z daleka)
crystal conscience
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_____ conscience (czyste)
apply oneself to something - czegoś
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apply ____ to sth (przykładać się do)
apply paint
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____ paint (nakładać)
going strong
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___ strong (functioning very well)
strong language
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_____ language (foul)
strong currency
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____ currency (silna)
launch offensive
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____ offensive (przejść do ofensywy)
pride oneself on sth
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____ oneself on sth (chwalić się)
a pride of lions
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a ____ of lions (stado)
shift the blame
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____ the blame (przerzucić winę)
his leg has gone dead
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his leg has gone ____
a dead heat
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a dead ____ (bieg nierozstrzygnięty)
dead to the world
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____ to the world (freeze all social interactions)
with critical eye
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with ___ eye (krytycznym okiem)
shed skin
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____ skin (zrzucać skórę)
to coin new phrases
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to ___ new phrases
mark my words
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mark my words
fall wide of the mark
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fall ___ of the mark (chybić, mylić się)
stage a strike
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_____ a strike
take a hard look
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take a hard ____ (to examine something very carefully)
ward off
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ward ___ (ustrzec się przed czymś)
make a sign of the cross
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make a ____ of the cross (przeżegnać)
governing body
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governing ___
growing body of evidence
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growing ____ of evidence
do my level best
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do my ___ best
at management level
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at management _____
at eye level
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at eye ___
cut off in one's prime
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cut ___ in one's prime (umrzeć mimo młodego wieku)
prime time
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_____ time
prime suspect
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____ suspect
fond memories
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____ memories
fond farewell
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___ farewell
sell down the river
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sell ___ the river
sell sth off - wyprzedawać
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sell ____ - wyprzedawać
the first lap of
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the first ____ of (pierwsze okrążenie)
in the lap of luxury
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in the ____ of luxury
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klapać, chlupać
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a bank holiday
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a ____ holiday
to bank
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to bank - przechylać
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project a professional image
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_____ a professional image
project one's voice
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______ one's voice
cry for the moon -
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___ for the moon (chcieć gwiazdki z nieba)
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boczny, poboczny
collateral damage
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zniszczenia i straty wśród ludności cywilnej powstałe na skutek działań wojennych
think sth odd
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think sth odd
dismiss/reject out of hand
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_____ out of hand (od ręki coś odrzucić)
sore loser
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___ loser (nieumiejący przegrywać)
current of mistrust
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____ of mistrust
see the light of the day
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see the ____ of the day
see sb off
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see sb ___ (odprowadzić)
see to sth
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see to sth
tread on thin ice
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____ on thin ice (stąpać po kruchym lodzie)
thin evidence
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___ evidence (słaby)
it's beneath her to socialise
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it's ______ her to socialise (nie być godnym)
be down on sb - not to like sb
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be ___ on sb (not to like sb)
be in for it
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be __ for it (dostać za swoje)
be down with - być chorym na
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be ___ with (być chorym na)
bear on
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bear __ (be relevant, affect)

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