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The economy went from boom to bust very quickly.
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We hope these regions will embrace democratic reforms.
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They remain fiercely opposed to outside intervention.
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Maxwell's responsibilities overlap yours, so you will be sharing some of the work.
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Company directors were propelled into action.
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Dixon, the UK electrical appliances retailer, owns 60% of the market.
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There are some doubts as to the long-term economic viability of the company
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They held a clandestine meeting in the ruins of the castle.
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Widespread famine caused a number of violent protests.
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Their performance was inferior to that of other teams.
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The fair attracted hundreds of people from the neighbouring towns and villages.
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The victims of religious persecution escaped from the country.
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The task poses no special problems.
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The task poses no special problems.
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What she did was an abuse of her position as manager.
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Our products address the needs of real users.
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People in manual occupations have a lower life expectancy.
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zlecanie pracy lub produkcji firmie zewnętrznej We decided for the outsourcing of the marketing to a specialist firm...
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They're working overtime to get the job finished.
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The law requires equal treatment for all, regardless of race, religion, or sex
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She accused the press photographers of violating her privacy.
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The court ordered the bailiff to seize his property because he had not paid the fine.
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The balance is due at the end of the month.
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The company has managed to stay in the black despite the decrease in sales.
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My account is $1000 in the red. I have to pay it off as soon as possible.
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Several lenders are offering very attractive rates of interest at the moment
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They've taken out a 30 year mortgage.
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: A lot of work is still outstanding.
wnikliwy, bystry, zmyślny inizia ad imparare
It was an astute move to sell the shares then.
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Increased emphasis is now being placed on corporate image.
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An entrepreneur has the greatest chance of success by focusing on a market niche.
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He had a practical outlook on life.
niepowodzenie, komplikacja inizia ad imparare
The breakdown in talks represents a temporary setback in the peace process
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The party is promising low inflation and sustainable economic growth.
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I think one of the reasons that I come up with unique solutions is that I have developed the ability to think outside the box.
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The government has decided to implement tax incentives to encourage savings.
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They issued an invoice for £250.
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We still lag far behind many of our competitors in using modern technology.
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Penalty interest is payable when a party fails to make a payment when it is due.
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A cheaper range of products was introduced to plug the gap at the lower end of the market.
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The goods will be dispatched on receipt of an order form.
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Our staged payment plan spreads the payments over a 3 month period.
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There is not a shred of evidence that the meeting actually took place.
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Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power.
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The country owes billions of dollars to foreign creditors.
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I need the up-to-date sales figures but I can never pin him down at the office.
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Our assistants will be happy to answer your queries
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My doctor referred me to a specialist.
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The thief was spotted by vigilant neighbours.
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They refused to comply with the UN resolution.
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She was expressly forbidden to touch my papers.
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Some conditions that are not written in the contract can be implied from the context.
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I managed to obtain an internship with a well-established company.
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People with invalid papers are deported to their home country.
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New legislation on the sale of drugs will be introduced next year.
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This is the form which eligible temporary residents may complete in order to access their superannuation benefits when they permanently leave Australia.
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Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan.
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His bad behaviour was just an isolated incident.
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He was still in a state of numbness and shock from the accident.
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Nothing would prevent him from speaking out against injustice.
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She's been dropping subtle hints about what she'd like as a present.
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The virus causes suppression the body's immune system.
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Staff turnover has risen by 10% in the last two years.
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Some of the staff are apt to arrive late on Mondays.
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This discovery challenges traditional beliefs.
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Many students derived enormous satisfaction from the course.
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This site is a must-read for those who wish to track emerging market economies and their capital markets
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Investment in new product development is an essential ingredient of corporate success.
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The climate of political confusion has only reinforced the country's economic decline.
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The company's annual revenues rose by 30%.
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Personal feelings should not come into play when you make business decisions.
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The company needs to improve its competitive edge.
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To boost its revenues a company has to achieve economies of scale in production.
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The economic indicators are better than expected.
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The company must analyse its current product portfolio to find out which products are most profitable.
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We must make the most efficient use of the available financial resources.
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New roads are being built to cope with the increased volume of traffic.
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The government faces bitter opposition to these policies.
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Despite the crisis the company managed to break even last year.
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The school sees its job as preparing students to make a contribution to society.
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We have achieved equilibrium in the economy.
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She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and eventually work for ‘The Times’.
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My talk falls into three parts.
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Despite threats of strike action, the management remain hopeful that an agreement can be reached.
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He was arrested because of his political affiliation.
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His comments have alienated a lot of young voters.
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What I am saying applies only to some of you.
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The word ‘professional’ has connotations of skill and excellence.
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Rap music proved to be more than just a passing fad.
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The new leader wants his country to be seen as a mature democracy.
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The company has decided to move some of its products upmarket.
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The terms bull market and bear market describe upward and downward market trends
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He threw caution to the wind and dived into the water after the child.
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The political fallout of the affair cost him his job.
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Inflation has reached a plateau.
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Injury shattered his dreams of competing in the Olympics.
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Production has been suspended while safety checks are carried out.
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She managed to sustain everyone's interest until the end of her speech.
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When the base rate interest is high, savers get a better return on their investment.
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Orders for durable goods manufactured in the U.S. have dramatically dropped in the last six months.
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A growing number of households have at least one computer.
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The police were much in evidence at today's demonstration.
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The company is taking a more robust approach to management.
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Unemployment may be an underlying cause of the rising crime rate.
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The report is underpinned by extensive research.
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She has a reputation for blunt speaking.
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Proper training should bridge a skills gap in your company.
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The government has been dilatory in dealing with the problem of unemployment.
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I quickly discerned that something was wrong.
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Well, folks, what are we going to do today?
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The two approaches are fundamentally different.
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We thought she was arrogant, whereas in fact she was just very shy.
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To be frank with you, I think your son has little chance of passing the exam.
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Is there any way to overcome the political inertia in the country?
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People have lost patience with the slow pace of reform.
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They have agreed to postpone repayment of the loan to a future unspecified date.
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You have to go through endless red tape to get a residence permit.
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He told us, in a very roundabout way, that he was thinking of leaving.
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I have a horrible suspicion that we've come to the wrong station.