tomek 28th Sept 2016 #4

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Domanda Risposta
w pobliżu czegoś
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in the vicinity of sth
To jest na wsch od Kowna.
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It's east of Kaunas.
dom kryty strzechą
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thatched house
They live in a thatched cottage.
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(European) bison
plural: bison
to jest na północ od Wilna
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it's north of Vilnius
to jest skansen
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it's an open-air ethnographic museum
etniczny / folkowy
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ethnic / folk
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to torture
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Frederick the Great was the patron of many artists.
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to punish
Zrobię to dzisiaj.
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I'll do it today.
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żeby / w celu
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in ORDER to...
He called them in order to get some help.
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to draw
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Mam kilka rysunków w mojej szufladzie.
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I have a few drawings in my drawer.
wysłać maila do kogoś
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to send emails (to sb) / to email sth TO sb
Don't forget to send an email to Tom. / Don't forget to email this document to Tom.
Zapomniałam przesłać (meilem) ci to zdjęcie.
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I forgot to email this picture to you.
Przestań wysyłać do mnie wiadomości codziennie.
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Stop messaging me every day.
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ads / adverts / advertisEment
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Mam kilka pytań.
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I have some questions. / I have A few questions. / I have a couple of question. / I have several questions.
polegać na kimś
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to rely on sb / to count ON sb
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a slip of the tongue
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Wolałbym nie.
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I'd rather not...
Jestem przeziębiony.
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I have a cold.
Chodźmy na plażę.
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Let's go to the beach.

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