Tomek 12th Oct 2015 #9

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Czy podobało ci się?
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Did you have fun? / Did you like it?
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wykreślić coś
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to cross sth out
Ile czasu tam spędziłaś?
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How much time did you spend there?
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the Azores
When did you go to the Azores?
archipelag (grupa wysp)
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archipelago (a group of islands)
bądź ze mną szczery
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be honest with me
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the day before yesterday
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the day after tomorrow
owoce morza
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sea food
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nieaktywny wulkan
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dormant volcanos
pójść pojeździć na rowerze / pobiegać
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to go biking / running
niedaleko od Portugalii
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not far from Portugal
na Oceanie Atlantyckim
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in the Atlantic Ocean
Ocean Spokojny / Pacyfik
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the Pacific Ocean
Ocean Indyjski
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the Indian Ocean
Ocean Arktyczny
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the Arctic Ocean
poszedłem do kościoła
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I went to church
prawie pół godziny
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almost half an hour
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Czy byłaś kiedyś w Disneylandzie?
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Have you ever been TO Disneyland?
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to sing - sang - sung
nurkować ze sprzętem
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to go scuba diving
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brave / courageous
700 / 7000 / 7 000 000
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7 hundred / 7 thousand / 7 million
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Stolicą Mongolii jest Ułan Bator
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The capital of Mongolia is Ulaanbaatar.
Dam ci znać
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I'll let you know

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