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she wriggled with excitement inizia ad imparare
their ears were twitching like hippos inizia ad imparare
jejich uši se škubaly jako hroši
jackals would gobble it up inizia ad imparare
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his knuckles turned white inizia ad imparare
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the girl felt a warm tingle in her cheeks inizia ad imparare
dívka cítila v jejích tvářích teplý brnění
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if you do not close your monkey mouth you will be chopped up and fed to the crocodiles inizia ad imparare
Pokud nezavřete ústa opice, budete nasekáni a krmeni krokodýly
the cat squawked, the boy squeaked inizia ad imparare
kočka se zavrtěla, chlapec zavrčel
Karu fled, his little legs pattering faster than his thumping heart. inizia ad imparare
Karu uprchl a jeho malé nohy se houpaly rychleji než jeho bušící srdce.
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everybody scurried to get out of his way inizia ad imparare
všichni se zastavili, aby se dostali z cesty
she threw her arms up to the sky and shrieked inizia ad imparare
zvedla ruce k nebi a zakřičela
then she bent down to the ground grabbed a fistful of dust and let it trickle over her Grey black hair inizia ad imparare
pak se sklonila k zemi, popadla hrst prachu a nechala ji proniknout přes její šedé černé vlasy
they passed through the poorer streets of shambling houses inizia ad imparare
procházeli chudšími ulicemi hazardních domů
inside the house of death dozens of men and women hurried about their tasks inizia ad imparare
uvnitř domu smrti spěchaly na své úkoly desítky mužů a žen
that about 20 tables under the Rippling white roof inizia ad imparare
že asi 20 stolů pod zvlněnou bílou střechou
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where the withered body of an old man lay inizia ad imparare
kde uschlé tělo starého muže leželo
Neria shuddered when she saw the great god Annubis walk out of the sun and towards the body inizia ad imparare
Neria se otřásla, když viděla, jak velký bůh Annubis vyšel ze slunce a směrem k tělu
he grumbled as the chanting of the priests became a jumble of noise and stuttered to an end inizia ad imparare
zavrčel, když se zpívání kněží proměnilo v hluk a koktilo se až do konce
has someone scooped out the brain inizia ad imparare
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he plunged his hand into the body, wriggled it around and quickly pulled out of the stomach inizia ad imparare
vrazil ruku do těla, krčil ji a rychle vytáhl ze žaludku
he took it off to a stone jar and plopped it in inizia ad imparare
vzal ji do kamenné nádoby a vsunul ji dovnitř
the priests began to jeer at him inizia ad imparare
kněží na něj začali škubat
soldiers Marched into the tent carrying the Pharaoh in a cloth cradle slung between two poles inizia ad imparare
vojáci pochodovali do stanu nesoucího faraona v látkové kolébce zasunuté mezi dva póly
suddenly Thekel swooped and picked up the startled cat inizia ad imparare
Thekel najednou srazil a zvedl vyděšenou kočku
she snatched the ball from his podgy little hands and ran inizia ad imparare
popadla kouli z jeho maličkých rukou a běžela
his scowling face was streaked with Mud and tears inizia ad imparare
jeho mračící se tvář byla proužkovaná blátem a slzami
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how to butter up the tester inizia ad imparare
jak lichotit tomu, který testuje