the doll's house

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wypowiedzenie (umowy), otwarte potępienie
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public criticism of something or someone. the act of accusing someone in public of something bad:
his denunciation as a traitor. after Freya's wedding her recent believers, dejected because of her decision, made up their minds to make a lasting denunciation.
i co tam jeszcze, takie coś, taki jeden
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and other similar things:
You can buy snacks and whatnot at the bar. That'll give you enough time to get the table set and whatnot.
dachówka; tabliczka do pisania
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a dark grey rock that can be easily divided into thin pieces, or a small, thin piece of this used to cover a roof. in the past, a small, thin, rectangular piece of slate (= rock), usually in a wooden frame, used for writing on, especially by children
this little slate over there almost fell on my head! A couple of slates fell from the roof after the storm. There were some scribblings on the slate.
dąsać się, foch, fochac się
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to be silent and refuse to smile or be pleasant to people because you are angry about something that they have done: brood
He's sulking in his room because I wouldn't let him have any more chocolate. If she doesn't get what she wants she goes into a sulk just like a child.
delikatny (o rysach) misterny (np. o biżuterii), kruchy (np. o porcelanie
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small, delicate, and often moving in a careful way:
The chicken salad was served in dainty pastry shells. She was a small, dainty child, unlike her sister who was large and had big feet. dainty china
zdrowy jak ryba
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as fit as a fiddle
as right as rain
zarazek, drobnoustroj; zalążek, zaczątek (coś co później się rozrasta)
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a very small organism that causes disease. a small amount, usually one that develops into something large or important:
Wash your hands so you don't get germs on the food. Rats and flies spread germs. He found the germ of an idea in an old newspaper.
fałszerstwo, falsyfikat
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an illegal copy of a document, painting, etc. or the crime of making such illegal copies:
These banknotes are forgeries. He increased his income by forgery.
wyrzucić coś, kogoś
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pitch something out
pitch - rzucić; padać (zawalić się); ustalać cenę, poziom
He's pitched out of the job the second time. I can't believe they let him pitch in his first game. Snow pitched from the roof. This gas station pitches the gas prices in our town
uzyskać awans, przyspieszyć, zrobić krok do przodu; stanąć na wysokości zadania
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step up
Mark wanted to step up but he got fired instead. The players stepped up and won the game.
zdawać się na kogoś, znajdować w kimś oparcie
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fall back on somebody/ lean on
I have nobody to fall back on. Lisa says that her brother is a person you can always lean on.
wydawać, przedstawiać; produkty rolne
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The company produced new solutions which will revolutionize the industry. Today we are hauling produce.
beznamiętnie, niezwruszenie; ze spokojem
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in a way that expresses no emotion or reaction:
The defendant sat impassively in the dock while evidence was given against him. He stared impassively out of the window.
ryć, wytrawić,(szkło, metal, wzór)
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to produce (something, such as a pattern or design) on a hard material by eating into the material's surface (as by acid or laser beam). engrave
scenes etched in our minds pain was etched on his features
robić na drutach
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The woman put down her knitting and left the office. As time and technology change, so does the art of knitting.
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to embroider
His mother had embroidered it for him when he was nine years old. They were to be embroidered in gold as per pattern.
zależny, osoba zależna (na czyimś utrzymaniu
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Various benefits will be dependent upon length of service.
wyrzucić z czegoś; rzucać się (nie pv), spuszczać łomot
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thrash sth out
to discuss a problem in detail until you reach an agreement or find a solution (informal)
If we have an important decision to make, we sometimes spend a whole day thrashing it out in a meeting. He got thrashed by some hooligans. He thrashed in his bed as if he was having a nightmare.
w razie potrzeby ewentualnie (wykonalne, ale robione niechętnie)
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at a pinch
Something that you can do at a pinch can be done if it is really necessary, but it will be difficult, not perfect, or not what you would really like:
I need £2,000 to set up the business, but I suppose £1,500 would do at a pinch.
wskazywać na czyjś udział w przestępstwie; pociągać za sobą, wskazywać, implikować
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to show that someone is involved in a crime or partly responsible for something bad that has happened:
Have they any evidence to implicate him in the robbery? You are implicated already by the very fact of talking to me now.
kierować się w życiu zasadami moralnymi, żyć uczciwie, uczciwie moralnie żyć
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the straight and narrow
keep the straight and narrow
powiesić luźno ubranie, zarzucić (coś na siebie, krzesło), luźno położyć
prawie jak gwałt
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to put something such as cloth or a piece of clothing loosely over something
He draped his jacket over the back of the chair and sat down to eat. She draped the scarf loosely around her shoulders. He'd draped the flag around himself after winning the race.
skok, sus
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It took her two bounds to get to me.
młodszy rangą, podwładny
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an army officer whose rank is lower than captain
In her account the subaltern is by definition subject to definition by those in power.
wesoło, radośnie
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gay. I could hear her gaily singing in her bedroom. The tree lights twinkled gaily across the lake. I was not happy being with you, gay at the utmost perhaps
rewers, skrypt dłużny
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I owe you: a written promise to pay back a debt:
Here's an IOU for the fiver you lent me. I'll pay you back on Monday.
dygnac, ukłon
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When a girl or woman curtsies, she bends quickly at the knees, with one foot in front of the other, often while holding her skirt, especially to show respect:
She curtsied to the Queen.
ptasii móżdżek
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feather -brain
silly or often forgetting things
nieomylny, niezawodny, celny
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never wrong, failing, or making a mistake
Even the experts are not infallible.
niewzruszony, nieporuszony, spokojny
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always staying calm and controlled, even in difficult situations that would cause other people to worry
radosny (old-fashioned)
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Please take it, and have a jolly good time with it.
frywolność, lekkomyślność
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jestem prawie skłonny aby w to uwierzyć
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I'm half inclined to believe to this
zataczać się, chwiać; kołowrotek wędkarski,
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to walk, moving from side to side, looking like you are going to fall: spool
At closing time he reeled out of the bar and fell down on the pavement. She hit him so hard that he reeled backwards.
stłumiony / stłumiona; przygaszony, przygnębiony (o osobie); słaby
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She heard a subdued voice coming from the wardrobe.

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