Thai Songkran festivity

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A splash of culture
A splash of culture: How Songkran World Water Festival is preserving Traditions.
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(noun) một nét văn hoá
The largest ever Thai New Year celebrations invite travelers to immerse themselves in an experience where stories of water-soaked revelry and cultural splender never end.
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(noun) noisy fun, usually involving a lof of eating and drinking
bữa tiệc
synonym: festivity, merrymaking
The largest ever Thai New Year celebrations invite travelers to immerse themselves in an experience where stories of water-soaked revelry and cultural splendor never end.
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(noun) sự huy hoàng
The largest ever Thai new year celebrations invite travelers to immerse themselves in an experience where stories of water-soaked revelry and cultural splendor never end.
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(verb) to become or make somebody completely involved in something
synonym of absorb.

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