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You seem to be nervous.
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Wydajesz sie byc nerwowym
She seldom smiles.
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Ona rzadko sie usmiecha.
We will select only one person.
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My wybierzemy tylko jednom osobe.
I don't want to sell it.
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Nie chcem tego sprzedac.
I'll send you a postcard from Poland.
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Wyslem ci kartke z Polski.
It doesn't make sense.
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To nie ma sensu.
It would be sensible to wait until they come.
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Rozsondnie bedzie zaczekac arz oni wrucom.
Read the first sentence.
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Przeczytaj pierwsze zdanie.
We want seperate rooms.
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My chcemy oddzielne pokoje.
School starts in September.
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Szkola zaczyna sie we wrzesniu.
We had a series of problems.
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My mielismy serie problemuw.
I hope it's nothing serious.
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Mam nadzieje rze to nic powarznego.
They don't serve alcohol here.
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Oni nie podajom tu alkoholu.
The service is good in this restaurant.
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W tej restauracji jest dobra obsluga.
Set the alarm clock for 6 p.m.
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Ustaw budzik na szustom.
My I settle the bill now?
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Czy moge teraz uregulowac rachunek.
Do you know the seven deadly sins?
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Czy znasz siedem gezechuw gluwnych?
Tomorrow I'll be seventeen.
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Jutro skoncze siedemnascie lat.
The boat can take no more than seventy passengers.
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Ludz morze zabrac maksymalnie siedemdziesienciu pasarzeruw.
She has called me several times today.
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Ona dzwonila do mnie kilka razy dzisiaj.
Do you know the sex of the baby?
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Czy ty znasz plec dziecka?
I was sitting in the shade.
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Siedzialem w cieniu.
I saw the shadow on the wall.
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Zobaczylem cien na scianie.
He was shaking with fear.
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On trzons sie ze strachu.
What a shame!
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Ale wstyd. Jaka szkoda!
I'm in good shape.
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Jestem w dobrej formie.
I didn't get my share.
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Nie dostalem swojej czensci.
I need a sharp knife.
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Potrzebuje ostrego norza.
She is my whole life.
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Ona jest calym moim rzyciem.
In this hotel they change the sheets every day.
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W tym hotelu oni zmieniajom posciel codziennie.
Put the book back on the shelf.
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Polurz ksionrzke z powrotem na pulke.
The sun was shining.
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Slonce swiecilo.
We went to Iceland by ship.
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Poplynelismy statkiem do Islandii.
I like striped shirt.
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Lubiem koszule w paski.

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