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They each have their room.
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Karzdy z nich ma swuj pokuj.
She is eager to help us.
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Ona jest chentna by nam pomuc.
Greg whispered something in her ear.
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Greg wyszeptal jej cos do ucha.
Who likes getting up early?
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Kto lubi wczesniej wstawac.
Doctors and nurses don't earn much.
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Doktorzy i pielegniarki nie zarabiajom durzo.
The moon goes around the Earth.
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Ksienrzyc kronrzy w okul ziemni.
The sun rises in the east.
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Slonce wschodzi na wschodzie.
I don't feel like eating.
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Nie chce mi sie jesc.
The standard od education in Japan is high.
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Standard wyksztalcenia w Japoni jest wysoki.
What effect did that have on the situation?
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Jaki to mialo wplyw na sytuacje?
I like boiled eggs for breakfast.
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Lubie gotowane jajka na sniadanie.
There are eight boys in the group.
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W grupie jest osmiu chlopcuw.
There are eighteen windows in the house.
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Jest 18 okien w domu.
My grandfather is eighty.
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Muj dziadek ma 80 lat.
We need an electric cooker.
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My potrzebujemy kuchenki elektrycznej.
They can't find the last element.
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Nie moge znalesc ostatniego elementu.
I went out at eleven.
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Wyszedlem o jedenastej.
What else do you need?
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Czego jeszcze potrzebujesz?
The firm employs 100 people.
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Firma zatrudnia 100 ludzi, osub.
He was sent to Singapore by his employer.
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On zostal wyslany do Singapuru przez swojego pracodawce.
We need to go shopping because the fridge is empty.
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My musimy isc na zakupy bo loduwka jest pusta.
She dies at the end of the film.
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Ona umiera na koncu filmu.
Did he have any enemies?
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Czy on mial jakis wroguw?
We all should save energy.
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Wszyscy powinismy oszczedzac energie.
This car has a powerful engine.
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Ten samochud ma mocny silnik.
We're going on a trip to England.
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My jedziemy na wycieczke do Anglii.
I didn't enjoy it at all.
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W ogule mi sie to nie podobalo.
Do you have enough money?
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Czy masz wystarczajonco pieniendzy
I can ensure you that all is well.
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Moge cie zapewnic rze wszystko jest dobrze.
He knocked on the door and entered.
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On zapukal do drzwi i wszedl.
The film is good family entertainment.
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Ten film jest dobrom rozrywkom rodzinnom.
He ate an entire chicken.
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Zjadl calego kurczaka.
Wait for me at the school entrance.
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Czekaj na mnie przy wejsciu do szkoly.
I need an envelope and stamp.
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Potrzebuje koperte i znaczek.
We must protect the environment.
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My musimy chronic srodowisko.
I divided it into two equal parts.
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Podzielilem to na dwie ruwne czensci.

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