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I god good marks in the exams.
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Dostalem dobre oceny z egzaminuw.
My parents like buying vegetables at the market.
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Moi rodzice lubiom kupowac warzywa na targu.
His marriage broke up after a year.
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Jego malrzenstwo rozpadlo sie po roku.
She has been married for 10 years.
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Ona jest menrzatkom od 10 lat.
Elizabeth will you marry me?
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Elizabet wyjdziesz za mnie?
He is the chess master.
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On jest mistrzem szachowym.
This tie doesn't match your shirt.
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Ten krawat nie pasuje do koszuli.
My favourite school subject was mathematics.
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Moim ulubionym szkolnym przedmiotem byla matematyka.
It's a matter of time.
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To kwestia czasu.
May is such a beautiful month.
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Maj jest takim pieknym miesioncem.
What does this expression mean?
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Co znaczy to wyrarzenie?
Almost every word has several meanings.
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Prawie karzde slowo ma kilka znaczen.
Why don't you ear meat?
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Dlaczego nie jesz miesa?
I must take my medicine.
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Musze brac lekarstwa.
I have a meeting today.
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Mam zebranie dzisiaj.
Eat the ice-cream before it melts.
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Zjedz lody zanim stopniejom.
She has a good memory for faces.
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Ona ma dobrom pamienc do twarzy.
He didn't mention his criminal past.
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On nie wspominal o swojej kriminalnej przeszlosci.
Merry Christmas!
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Wesolych Swiont.
Can I leave him message?
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Moge zostawic mu wiadomosc?
He broke the windscreen with a metal bar.
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Wybil przedniom szybe metalowym prentem.
She returned in the middle of the night.
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Wrucila w srodku nocy.
The car was going at 50 miles an hour.
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Samochud jechal z prendkosciom 50 mil na godzine.
Go to the shop and buy a carton of milk.
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Idz do sklepu i kup carton mleka.
This country has a population of 3 million people.
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Ten kraj ma 3 milionowom populacje.
I don't mind waiting.
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Nie mam nic przeciwko czekaniu.

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