SP3-Getting what you want using Turkish

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Rica ederim.
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You're welcome.
bu lütfen
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this please
şu lütfen
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that, please
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bir çay daha lütfen
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another tea please
bu raftaki lütfen
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this one on the Shelf please
Rica ederim Benimle bu şekilde konuşma
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Don't talk to me like that.
Bunu bana ninem verdi
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My grandmother gave me this
Bu kimin?
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Whose is this?
Bu nedir?
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What is this?
Bu çok güzel
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This is beautiful
Su çok soğuk.
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The water is too cold.
Ben şu gömleği istiyorum lütfen
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I want that shirt, please.
hiçbir şey istemiyorum
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I dont want anything
bugün erken uyumak istiyorum
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I want to sleep early today
çocukların tüm paralarını şekere harcamasını istemiyorum
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I don't want children to spend all their money on sweets
O da partiye gelmek istiyor
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He wants to come to the party

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