Sorting out problems

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Domanda Risposta
out of order
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leave on
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nie wyłączać
leave out
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zostawić na wierzchu
to sort out (problems)
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uporządkować (problemy)
shut down a computer
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wyłączyć komputer
cut off
to stop the supply of water
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przestać dostaarczać wodę
upgrade sth
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uaktualnić sth
mess about
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robić głupstwa
go through the roof
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rosnąć w szybkim tempie
go down the drain
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pójdą na marne
take your time
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nie spiesz się
stained tablecloth
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poplamione obrusy
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mirror is broken
could you get the mirror replaced?
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lustro jest zepsute
mógłbyś to lustro wymienić?

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