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Pakistańczyk, Pakistanka
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We are negotiating an alliance with the Pakistani government. 10 other people were killed by terrorists and they were all Pakistani.
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One Palestinian was killed and three wounded during the action. Many people in his group are Palestinian students.
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polityka wewnętrzna
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domestic policy, Homme affairs
polityka zagraniczna
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the foreign policy
człapać, włóczyć nogami, szurać
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to walk by pulling your feet slowly along the ground rather than lifting them:
I love shuffling through the fallen leaves. He shuffled into the kitchen, leaning on his walking stick. Don't shuffle your feet like that! Walk normally. The woman in front of me kept shuffling around in her seat all the way through the performance
znaleźć się w trudnej sytuacji
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be in a corner
to be in a difficult situation
in a tight corner
rozwierać szczene z zaskoczenia
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gape with surprise
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How to convert pounds into kilograms? convert the length measurement unit
jednostka długości
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unit of length
marudzić, wałęsać się
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to move slowly around or stand in a public place without an obvious reason:
She loitered, clearly divided in her mind as to what to do. A gang of youths were loitering outside the cinema.
przenikać, szerzyć się, owładnąć
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When qualities, characteristics, or smells pervade a place or thing, they spread through it and are present in every part of it:
all-pervading impression of gruesome inevitability. The film movie is a reflection of the violence that pervades our culture.
bluzaz kapturem lub bez), bluza sportowa, górna część dresu
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Last week, she wore my sweatshirt without asking. a grey hooded sweatshirt of mine
studiować jakiś kierunek
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major in
He majors in robotics. I'm a norwegian philology major.
skórka chleba
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He didn't eat the crust of his sandwiches.
karykatura, a
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caricature, cartoonish
travesty (perversion)
The journal always has a couple of cartoons. He published several books with his cartoons and political caricatures.
pochylenie (terenu); et forfall - upadek (np. cesarstwa), schyłek (np. dnia, życia)
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The decline of monarchies in Europe was observed in 19th century. The decline of his career was filled with educational pursuits. Territories in Norway are characteristic of many declines.
dwuizbowy system parlamentarny
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two-chamber parliamentary system. bicameral political system
skłonność, pochyłość terenu
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Neither of us has the time or inclination for emotional complications.
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a bone between your shoulder and neck on each side of your body
wyeksploatowany, zużyty (o pojazdach; koniec istnienia
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end - of - life
Is it better to focus end-of-life care in the hospital or the home? This whole end-of-life thing is a big issue for everyone.
zawroty głowy, przyprawiający o zawroty głowy
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vertigo, vertiginous
causing or experiencing the feeling that everything is spinning around:
The two skyscrapers were connected by a vertiginous walkway. She can't stand heights and has always suffered from vertigo. he sat down, fighting away vertigo
róg mgłowy (donośny nieprzyjemny dźwięk)
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a horn that makes a very loud sound to warn ships that they are close to land or other ships:
He has a voice like a foghorn (= an unpleasantly loud voice). My roommates snores like a foghorns.
odprawiać mszę
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to say mass
Do you say mass at 11 o'clock? the priest of our local church says mass usually at 12 o'clock in the afternoon.
naładuj baterie, akumulatory (swoje)
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recharge one's batteries
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wrecked, toasted
sprzedaje się jak ciepłe bułeczki
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sell like hot cakes
These TV sets sell like hot cakes.
pierwotny (uczucia, wierzenia), pradawny, dziewiczy
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primeval forests
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a dog whose parents are of different breeds
Some people call English a mongrel language because it is a mixture of old German and French.
niezadowolenie, nadasanie
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I had thought this would at least disgruntle her. A disgruntled former employee is being blamed for the explosion. The players were disgruntled with the umpire.
łóżko piętrowe
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bunk bed
They share a room and sleep on a bunk bed
objaśnić, demistyfikować
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Being able to watch the Court at work would help demystify what is going on.
maska na oczy/do spania
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eye/sleep mask
roleta zaciemniająca
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blackout blind
If he changed the bulb he would have to put up the blackout blinds first.
zejście, droga w dół
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a movement down. a change in someone's behaviour, or in a situation, from good to bad:
The plane began (to make) its final descent into the airport. There is a steep descent (= way down, such as a path) to the village below. His descent into crime was rapid.
chrząknięcie, chrumkać, chrumkniecie
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å grynte
The other two women grunted something and started to stand with help.
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make allowance for
allow for, factor sth in
You have to allow for the fact that I was sick all week.
drobne zastrzeżenie, spierać się (o szczegóły), sprzeczać się (o rzeczy nieistotne)
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They are always quibbling about cat food. But given what they've created, that is a small quibble.
szkoła z internatem
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boarding school
residential school
koloryzować, ubarwiać opowieść
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give colours to the story
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knuckle bumb
pochylenie, upadek (moralny), deklinacja
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a situation in which a medical condition gets worse. a group of nouns or adjectives that decline in the same way:
How many declensions are there in German? Rex is in the third declension
miejsce zamieszkania
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place of residence, dwelling place
What's your place?
w krótkim terminie, bez uprzedzenia, na chwilę
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at short notice
without much advance notice or warning
It was the best he could do at short notice. There's a good local school prepared to take them at short notice. Do not invest money which you may need back at short notice.
dwie pierwsze cyfry numeru telefonu komórkowego
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the two first digits of a mobile phone number
trudna okoliczność
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the rabbit hole
a complicated or difficult situation, especially one that is difficult to get out of:
Let's avoid that particular rabbit hole and consider a broader and more unsettling point. Their advice is not meant to send you down a rabbit hole, and involve you in chaos and disorder.
układny, grzeczny, uprzejmy (o osobie, mnie?
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A suave man is very polite, pleasant, and usually attractive, often in a way that is slightly false:
He is the suave, sophisticated owner of an advertising agency
możliwy do sprawdzenia, potwierdzalny
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capable of being verified. able to be proved:
Throughout the trial, he didn't produce a single verifiable fact.
dobór naturalny
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a natural selection
The animal world is shaped by natural selection.
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the careful organization of a complicated activity so that it happens in a successful and effective way:
We need to look at the logistics of the whole aid operation.
szerzący się (zaraza, inflacja), niepohamowanie (o chwastach)
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(of something bad) getting worse quickly and in an uncontrolled way:
rampant corruption Rampant inflation means that our wage increases soon become worth nothing. He said that he had encountered rampant prejudice in his attempts to get a job. Weeds are growing rampant in the garden.
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marry beneath oneself, beneath one's social position or class
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He opened the door and saw the family crest on the wall.
gałka; łyżka (miara; ilosc);, sensacyjny materiał (bomba), zgarnąć (np. nagrodę), nabierać (np. łyżką, dłonią
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information especially of immediate interest. to pick up quickly or surreptitiously with or as if with a sweep of the hand —often used with up
got you a large scoop of chocolate ice cream. One scoop of mashed potatoes for me, please. This is the scoop that will get me promoted. She scooped up the main prize. He scooped the ice cream and put it in a cone.
torba na zakupy, nosić
shopping bag
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tote bag
to carry something, especially something heavy or awkward: a large open bag with two handles, often made of strong cloth
She usually toted the pup around in her handbag. The building was surrounded with bodyguards toting sub-machine guns. Gun-toting security men were posted at all the entrances.
sklep z używanymi rzeczami
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thrift shop
a niech mnie! kurde!
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shoot, sugar!
rzucenie (nałogu), izolowanie się od innych; odosobnienie
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His withdrawal of drinking has left him fragile. His withdrawal didn't affect his friends well. His withdrawal proved to be beneficial for his mental health.
plamić (honor), szargać (reputację)
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to adversely affect
I didn't mean to tarnish your immaculate reputation
uwarunkowane, zależne od czegoś
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contingent on
depending on something else in the future in order to happen:
Outdoor activities are, as ever, contingent on the weather.
podaż i popyt
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supply and demand
przedsięwzięcie, zobowiązanie
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This journey is a dangerod and daring undertaking. The president gave an undertaking to reduce unemployment. noble undertaking
wartości odżywcze
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nourishment, goodnes
nutrial content. I always check the goodness of the food I buy.
drogi wyrób
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hight-ticket item
postawić kogoś na nogi
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set somebody up
ustawiać kogoś (finansowo) / wrobić kogoś (w przestępstwo
A homemade chicken soup will set you up.
dołożyć wszelkich starań
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to leave no stone unturned
They left no stone unturned to find their missing son. they went to great pains to make his expectations met. Well, we shall make every endeavour not to forget you in the space of a few months
błąd poznawczy
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cognitive bias
A number of cognitive biases and deficits have been identified.
połać ziemi, obszar
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a large area of land
The house is surrounded by vast tracts of woodland.
, niewymagający wcześniejszego umówienia się, niewymagający wcześniejszej rezerwacji
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drop -in
drop by- call on. used to describe a place where people can go, usually to get help or advice, at any time without making an appointment (= an agreed date and time):
a drop-in centre for the homeless a drop-in clinic/shelter. Can you drop by for dinner? He never warns you when he's going to drop by.
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a serious disease of the nervous system that can cause death. Rabies can be passed on to humans by other animals:
Rabies can be fatal if it isn't detected early. Rabies is still a significant problem in many countries of the world. Dogs, cats, foxes, and bats can all carry rabies.
opatrzona rana
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dressed wound
She dressed his wound with gauze.
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rules and regulations
The company's statute is rather strict.
wymierny, policzalny
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The benefits of the new policy are not easily quantifiable. able to be measured
the level of happiness is by no means easily quantifiable
burza mózgów
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, robić komuś dobrze, rozpieszczać, hołubić
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to protect someone or something too much:(pamper, spoil). to cook food, especially eggs, in water just below boiling temperature
The steel industry is coddled by trade protection and massive subsidies. coddled eggs
chaotyczny (negatywny), bez widocznego planu
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not having an obvious order or plan
He tackled the problem in a typically haphazard manner. The new plan was introduced haphazardly.
interesowny, niepewny (przyjaciel)
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someone who is a good friend when it is easy to be one and who stops being one when you are having problems
a fair-weather friend
ożywiać, ożywić (np. pokój, przemowę)
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I will enliven my speech with a joke.
iść w dziwną stronę, "wykoleić się"
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go off the rails
begin behaving in an uncontrolled or unacceptable way.
sport saved them from going off the rails as youngsters"
owijać, obkręcać, zawijać się
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wind, lap, wrap
The nurse wound the bandage around my arm. The motorway winds along the seaside. We observed the river winding lazily. I lapped my knee with a bandage.
motywator, czynnik pobudzający
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This photo should be a driver for you to work harder! He's my driver, he always supports me.
byk (znak zodiaku)
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Taurus (zodiac sign)
ocenianie, wycena, oszacowanie
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to judge or decide the amount, value, quality, or importance of something
We need to assess whether the project is worth doing. A college is going to assess a student’s ability based on grades.
palona kawa
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roasted coffee
wyższy rangą
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senior, superior
higher rank
The senior employee will show you around the office.
zaokrąglona (o kształtach ciała)
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having a body with rounded parts, especially large breasts and hips. containing a lot of curves
the famously curvy Marilyn Monroe I have a boyish figure. What can I wear to make me look more curvy? a curvy line The road narrows and becomes even curvier.
być z kimś na ty
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on first-name terms
are you on first-name terms with her?
docinać komuś, kpina
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to intentionally annoy and upset someone by making unkind remarks to them, laughing unkindly at them, etc.:
The other kids used to taunt him in the playground because he was fat and wore glasses. The youngest in the group was taunted mercilessly. I was taunted in the childhood beacuse my skills in football were far from even the elementary ones.
garbić się, ciamajda
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to stand, sit, or walk with the shoulders hanging forward and the head bent slightly over so that you look tired and bored. If you say that someone is no slouch at a particular activity, you mean that they work hard at it and produce good results
Straighten your back - try not to slouch. A couple of boys were slouched over the table reading magazines. She's no slouch when it comes to organizing parties.
namaszczać, posmarować olejem
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to smear or rub with oil or an oily substance 2 a: to apply oil to as part of a religious ceremony
anoint the wound with antiseptic to prevent infection
być na bieżąco, być z aktualnymi informacjami
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be up to date/speed; in the loop
be in the swim. nie na bieżąco - be out of touch
I'm not up to speed - what happened between them yesterday
pojawiać się, być częścią (na liście)
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figure, come up,
emerge - come out
Your name figures at the top of the list. If my name comes up in the conversation, please try to change the subject. The question about his modesty never came up. A woman emerged from the shadows.
Pięta achillesowa, newralgiczny punkt
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Achilles' heel, an underbelly
Mathematics is my underbelly.
mieć dużo na głowie
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have a lot on one's mind
With a newborn and four dogs they sure have a lot on their plate.
wmieszać się w tłum w celu nawiązania rozmowy (np. na bankiecie
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młody biznes, początkująca firma poszukująca modelu biznesowego, który zapewni szybki
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a new company that has just begun to operate
Our company began as a small start-up. early-stage venture
zaharowywac się, pracować do upadłego
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work yourself to the ground
osoba choleryczna, w gorącej wodzie kąpana
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wykupić, wykup
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After all, only the Government has the money with which to pay a ransom.
przelew bankowy
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Bank transfer
Payment was in advance by bank transfer.
remittence. The money was awarded by bank transfer and the certificate delivered.
" rozumiem cię"
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I hear you
I acknowledge what you have said and am sympathetic to it. The phrase is sometimes used as a prelude to disagreeing with what has been said.
I hear you, honey. I know you're in a lot of pain right now. I hear you, but we just can't afford to make any big changes like that at this time.
baraszkować, dokazywać, swawolić, swawola
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Then she asked what the deal was with my naked romps through her woods. I took her to my country house for a week of romping
wziąć pod uwagę
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to take into account, allow for, factor in
bear in mind. to include something as relevant while making decisions
We have to take account of the fact that she was ill at the time of writing the exam. Have you factored the speed of wind in as well? Did you allow for my opinion?
grać pierwsze skrzypce
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play the first fiddle
Ever since the power shift in Congress, Senator Smith has been playing first fiddle in the agenda for tax reforms.
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an offensive word for a person who sometimes wears the clothes usually worn by people of a different gender, especially a man who sometimes wears the clothes, make-up, jewellery, etc. usually worn by women. trænzˈves. taɪt
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burn mark. a slight burn, or a mark caused by burning
The fire left scorch marks halfway up the wall. Just cook it enough to get the grill marks and a little scorch here and there.
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having to do with the creation and development of economic ventures: of, relating to, characteristic of, or suited to an entrepreneur
entrepreneurial zeal
żarówka się przepaliła
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the bulb popped
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a sauna
finish bath
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go to sleep
my legs went to sleep, I can't move
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Why should he care whether our boys get their professorships?
nie chcący nic powiedzieć, z wodą w ustach
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He is tight-lipped about his plans.
AME - pejoratywne określenie na kobietę, która ma wygórowane wymagania, jest często roszczeniowa
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demanding lady
solnisko, Saltslette
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salt pan
En saltslette, eller saltpanne, er et uttørket innsjøbekken, som regel restene av en endorheisk saltsjø.
podbój, zdobycz terytorialna
Musiałeś publicznie chwalić się swą zdobyczą?)
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His plans of conquest never became reality. Did you have to make your conquest public?
umieścić kogoś w pudełku
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put someone in the box
to judge an individual broadly and unfairly based on very few factors
compartmentalise, label. Teacher labelled him as a naughty pupil.
ustępstwo (kompromis), USTĘPSTWO, ulga
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concession, concede
an act of granting something in a response to a demand. something that is allowed or given up, often in order to end a disagreement, or the act of allowing or giving this: CONCEDE
A concession on his part allowed me to pass this exam. Maybe we can negotiate a concession regarding the deal. As a student, you get a concession in various places. Both sides involved in the conflict made some concessions in yesterday's talks.
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Do you remember the formula for the area of a circle? formula for converting the pounds into kilogram.
PRZYPISYWAĆ, atrybut, cecha, przymiot
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a quality or characteristic that someone or something has
Organizational ability is an essential attribute for a good manager. Self-confidence is a rare attribute in a 17-year-old. Trustworthiness is our company's main attribute. At least one death has been attributed to the fire.
uciekanie się do
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using something or someone as a way of getting help, especially in a difficult or dangerous situation:
It is hoped that the dispute will be settled without recourse to litigation. we were able to communicate and to fix the price without a recourse to any translator. resort
komunikować się, nawiązywać relacje (np. z klientami), współdziałać; sprzęgać, łączyć, SPRZĘŻENIE
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a connection between two pieces of electronic equipment, or between a person and a computer: a situation, way, or place where two things come together and affect each other
Set up and be ready to interface with his computer. I'm gonna teach you how to interface with the public.
nawał pracy, obciążenie pracą
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the amount of work that someone has to do
The translation office employed another translator to cope with the workload
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reproduction by gemmae. budding
Gemma. an asexual reproductive body that becomes detached from a parent plant
oskrzydlony, otaczać z obu stron, oskrzydlić
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Our battalion will flank the enemy while the main force will charge at them. He was flanked by his mother, three children and other family members.
posmak, intensywny zapach (czegoś) nuta (np. sarkazmu), ton (np. radości
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a strong, sharp taste or smell
a strong, sharp taste or smell. There was a strong tang of ozone in the air.
poinformować kogoś o czymś, wprowadzić kogoś (w temat)
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brief somebody on something
they briefed their parents on their move. She briefed me on her pregnancy.
nowatorski, innowacyjny
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I came up with an innovative idea.
nieznośny, nie do wytrzymania
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annoying or causing trouble
Those pesky kids from next door have let the air out of my car tyres again!
narzekać, kolka
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moan. the gripes
Her main gripe is that she's not being trained properly. There's no point griping about the price of things.
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to make something so that it is exactly right for a specific need or a particular purpose
We need to tailor our approach to individual situations. Treatment is tailored to the needs of a patient.
ćpun, osoba uzależniona (np. od czekolady czy telewizji
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This junkie is always sitting by my front door. I'm a caffeine junkie. I can't survive without five coffees a day.
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extremely tiring and difficult, and demanding great effort and determination
Junior doctors often have to work a gruelling 100-hour week. He eventually won the match after five gruelling sets.
świadczyć o czymś, mówić
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to speak to
be indicative of, testify to
His yell speaks to the lack of arguments.
sKurcz żołądka
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stomach cramp
abdominal cramp
zanieczyszczenie krzyżowe
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the process by which a substance that is harmful or dirty spreads from one area to another:
New hygiene standards were introduced to avoid cross-contamination of cooked and raw meat. Cross-contamination can occur when farmers use the same equipment to harvest, store, and transport wheat and oats.
nietrwałość, tymczasowość
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the state or quality of lasting indefinitely - permeance
The hair was new and had the look of permanence.
plan średni (rodzaj ujęcia)
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medium shot
waist shot
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a hall of recidence/ dormitory
The college has two halls of residence, one each for boys and girls.
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an official of high rank in a college or university who is responsible for the organization of a department or departments:
She is the new dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences. the Dean of Medicine
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a group of departments in a university or college that specialize in a particular subject or group of subjects
the Psychology/Law Faculty

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