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arrastrar y soltar
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drag and drop
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to pull
También puede arrastrar y soltar los archivos en el cuadro.
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You can also drag and drop files into the box.
suelta dinero
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loose money
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to walk / to go
¿Qué tal si marchamos al campo este fin de semana?
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How about we go to the country this weekend?
Mis amigos marcharon del restaurante a las 8 pm
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My friends left the restaurant at 8 pm
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except /save
Sí, salvo que nosotros tenemos una terraza y ellos no.
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Yes, except that we have a terrace and they don't.
No he hecho nada salvo ser un buen amigo para ti.
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I haven't done anything except be a good friend to you.
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to stop
Universo es dinámica en evolución, el tiempo no se detiene
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Universe is dynamic in evolution, time does not stop
el tiempo se detiene
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the time stops
Ahora mismo, tú eres la única cosa que me detiene.
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Right now, you're the only thing stopping me.
siento el retraso
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Sorry for the delay
la cerradura
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la confianza
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trust / confidence
¿Puedo confiar en ti?
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I can trust in you?
hay muchas razones la confianza se puede perder.
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There are many reasons trust can be lost.
no me dejes asi
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Do not leave me like this
no me dejes mucho tiempo a solas!
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don't leave me alone for a long time!
te vas ya?
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you are leaving now?
este no es mi sitio, renuncio
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this is not my place, I resign
Ni la ayudas ni confías
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You don't help her or trust her
se marchó
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He she left
se marchó sin avisarle a nadie
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he left without telling anyone
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me han ofrecido un ascenso
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I have been offered a promotion
me han echado de casa.
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I have been kicked out of the house.
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to recover / get back
es el chico que recuperó mi bolso
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is the guy who got my bag back
no me di cuenta
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I did not realize
no me di cuenta de la hora
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I didn't realize the time
no te parece? luego me lo cuentas
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don't you think? later you tell me
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Esta comida ya está caducada. Échala en la basura.
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This food is already expired. Throw it in the trash.
¿Entonces por qué no puedes echarla de tu vida?
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Then why can't you just kick her out of your life?
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able /capable
Este suplemento debe ser capaz de trabajar para su cuerpo.
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This supplement must be able to work for your body.
no soy capaz de dormir
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I am not able to sleep
soy capaz de hacerlo
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I able to do it
lo intentamos a tu manera, ahora me toca a mi
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We tried it your way, now it's my turn
te pido por favor que no hagas nada
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I ask you please do not do anything
le traigo lo que me pidió
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I bring you what you asked for
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hardly / barely / just
Apenas podía oír la señal de radio
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I could barely hear the radio signal
Parece que va a ser apenas el dos de nosotros.
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Looks like it's going to be just the two of us.
disculpa, apenas vi tu mensaje
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sorry i just saw your message
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to reach
La planta alcanza una altura de arbol
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The plant reaches a tree height
acontecimientos familiares
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family events
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es uno de estos acontecimientos que uno acaba contando a sus nietos
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It is one of those events that one ends up telling their grandchildren
han sido unas semanas difíciles
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it's been a rough few weeks
no se haga el sorprendido
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don't act surprised
no se haga
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don't do it
puede que su esposa no sepa que la engaña
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your wife may not know you are cheating on her
pero conmigo no se haga el inocente
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but don't play innocent with me
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no puedo oírte
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I can not hear you
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