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TO MAKE A PUBLIC COMMITMENT inizia ad imparare
To take on an obliGation that is acknowledged by the general public
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to deal with / tackle an issue the company said that it will address the issue at the next board meeting
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to cause sb / sth to be in a particular condition He was rendered almost speechless by the news
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very unpleasant and difficult to accept The unpalatable truth is that the team isn't getting any better.
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to try to deal with a difficult problem There is more than one way to tackle the problem
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to avoid sth, esp a difficult or unpleasant duty
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to control / limit sth in order to prevent it from having a harmful effect measures to curb the spread of the virus
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to make sb / sth seem less important her interest in politics began to overshadow her desire to be a poet
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a great difference / lack of understanding between two groups of people, esp in their beliefs, opinions, and way of life yawning gulf between the youth and the elderly
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to give strenght or support to sth and help it succeed America's wealth is underpinned by a global system which exploits the world's poor
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DIRE - extremely serious or terrible
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the part of a womans or female animal's body where the baby grows before it is born
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to have a legal agreement under which you pay money to a person or company in order to use a building, area of land, vehicle, piece of equipment for a fixed time The car is leased from BMW
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to formally ask sb to write an official report, produce a woork of art for you etc. The report was commisioned by the Welsh office
NGO (non-governmental organization) inizia ad imparare
an organization which helps people, protects the environment etc and which is not run by a government