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Talking our diet more seriously
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Most people believe that health is very important and, because of this, many are trying to eat more healthily
for example, people in the UK are eating less salt and more low fat margarine and milk
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fruit is now America's second-favourite snack and Japan is currently promoting cocoa because it is a healthy alternative to soft drinks like coca cola
These changes in eating habits are also having an effect on the food market
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Global sales are increasing for soy drinks and drinkable yoghurts more than any other food and sales of bread, pasta, and cereals are growing much more slowly
People are also becoming more interested in fresh fruit and vegetables and farmers markets', and getting more popular througout Europe
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When they can, people often opt for natural goodness, and they, re buying more products that are healthy, like fruit, salads, and nuts
they are also buying products that help to protect the environment, like organic vegetables
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so it's clear that things in the food world will never be the same again

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