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a sudden painful tightening in a muscle, often after a lot of exercise, which limits movement
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I've got cramp in my foot. Mam skurcz w stopie.
a painful burning feeling in the lower chest caused by the stomach not digesting food correctly
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I often have heartburn after eating something sweet. Czesto mam zgage po zjedzeniu czegos slodkiego.
extreme tiredness
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wyczerpanie, zmeczenie
She was suffering from fatigue and a stress-related illness. Cierpiala z powodu wyczerpania i choroby zwiazanej ze stresem.
a serious disease in which substances not usually in the blood cause your skin and the white part of your eyes to turn yellow
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He's never suffered from jaundice. On nigdy nie chorowal na zoltaczke
feel queasy
to feel as if you were likely to vomit
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miec nudnosci
He started to feel queasy as soon as the ship left the harbour. On zaczal miec nudnosci jak tylko statek opuscil port.
feel seedy
to feel tired, sick, or unwell
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czuc sie marnie
I couldn't come yesterday because I was feeling seedy. Nie moglem(am) wczoraj przyjsc, bo czulem(am) sie marnie.
thick yellowish liquid that forms in and comes from an infected cut or injury in the body
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Unfortunately, it's a pus-filled wound. Niestety, to rana wypelniona ropa.
a painful red swelling on the skin, that is filled with pus
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I know a good remedy for boils. Znam dobre lekarstwo na czyraki
a painful swollen area on or in the body, which contains pus
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She had an abscess on her gum. Miala ropien na dziasle.
cut a tooth
(of a baby) to grow a new tooth
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(dziecku) wyrasta zab
My baby is cutting a new tooth. Mojemu dziecku wyrasta nowy zab.
a hard swelling found in or on the body, especially because of illness or injury
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There is a small hard lump on Mary's wrist. Na nadgarstku Mary jest maly twardy guzek.
a material or substance that covers the inside surface of something
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It can damage the lining of the stomach. To moze uszkodzic wysciolke zoladka.
to perform an examination on a chemical in order to test how pure it is
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przeprowadzic analize/probe
It will be necessary to assay this substance. Konieczne bedzie przeanalizowanie tej substancji.
a sudden sharp feeling, especially of painful emotion
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(bolesny) skurcz (np. brzucha z glodu)
No wonder you're having hunger pangs. You haven't eaten in 2 days. Nic dziwnego, ze ma Pan(i) skurcze zoladka. Nie jadl(a) Pan(i) od dwoch dni.
having the legs bent inward so that the knees touch in walking
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majacy krzywe nogi
Is your daughter knock-kneed? Czy Pana(i) corka ma krzywe nogi?
if a part of your body throbs, you feel pain in it in a series of regular beats
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pulsowac, tetnic
The throbbing pain in his leg was becoming unbearable. Pulsujacy bol w jego nodze stawal sie nie do wytrzymania.
(to cause) to make a sudden small movement with a part of the body, usually without intending to
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Has your eye been twitching for a long time? Od dawna drga Panu(i) oko?
disagree with sb
if a type of food disagrees with you, it makes you feel slightly ill or uncomfortable
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(o jedzeniu) nie sluzyc
Spicy food disagrees with me. Ostre jedzenie mi nie sluzy.
dental caries/tooth decay
decay in the teeth
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prochnica zebow
Dental caries is a common problem among children. Prochnica zebow to czesto spotykany u dzieci problem.
the state of being very pale
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Such pallor is uncommon. Taka bladosc jest nietypowa.
a small hard lump which grows on the skin, often on the face and hands
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kurzajka, brodawka
Does this child have warts? Czy to dziecko ma kurzajki?
nappy rash
a red painful area of skin on a baby's bottom caused by a wet nappy
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Sue's baby may have nappy rash. Dziecko Sue moze miec odparzenia.
to walk slowly and with difficulty because of having an injured or painful leg or foot
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utykac, kustykac
The player limped off the pitch with a serious ankle injury. Gracz zszedl z boiska utykajac z powaznym urazem kostki.
a painful disease which makes the joints, especially the feet, knees and hands, swell
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dna moczanowa
How long has he suffered from gout? Od jak dawna on cierpi na dne moczanowa?
smear test
a medical test in which cells from a woman's cervix (entrance to the womb) are removed and examined to discover if there is any disease
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badanie cytologiczne
She went to the doctor's for a smear test. Poszla do doktora zrobic badanie cytologiczne.
an injury to a person's body or to an organ inside their body
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uszkodzenie ciala, skaleczenie
This isn't a serious lesion. To nie jest powazne skaleczenie.
a medical condition in which an organ pushes through the muscle which surrounds it
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She should be careful with her hernia. Powinna uwazac ze swoja przepuklina.
any of the strong strips of tissue in the body that connect bones together, limiting movements in joints and supporting muscles and other tissue
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You might have problems with your ligaments. Moze miec Pan(i) problemy z więzadlami.
to burn an injury to stop bleeding and prevent infection
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wypalac rane
It'll be best if this wound is cauterized. Najlepiej bedzie, jak wypalimy ta rane.
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
a system for producing electronic pictures of the organs inside a person's body, using radio waves and a strong magnetic field
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rezonans magnetyczny
He'll have to undergo MRI. On bedzie musial przejsc rezonans magnetyczny.
CT computed tomography
a medical imaging method employing tomography created by computer processing
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tomografia komputerowa
Is a CT scan really necessary? Czy tomografia komputerowa jest naprawde konieczna?
a strip of cloth which is tied tightly round an injured arm or leg to stop it bleeding
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opaska uciskowa
If it continues to bleed, apply a tourniquet to the limb. Jesli nadal bedzie krwawic, zastosuj opaske uciskowa na konczyne.
a strong band of tissue in the body connecting a muscle to a bone
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You can actually see his tendons. Wlasciwie to widac jego sciegna.
an injury or mark where the skin has not been broken but is darker in colour, often as a result of being hit by something
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He has several contusions. Ma kilka stluczen.
a painful or sore feeling in a part of the body
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It is an antiseptic cream suitable for minor skin irritations. To krem antyseptyczny odpowiedni na drobne podraznienia skory.
oplucnej a serious illness in which the covering of the lungs becomes red and swollen, and which causes sharp pain when breathing - (pleura - oplucna)
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Pleurisy is one of the diseases related to the lungs. Zapalenie oplucnej to jedna z chorob zwiazanych z plucami.
relating to the large organs inside the body, including the heart, stomach, lungs and intestines
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wewnetrzny, trzewny
It's a visceral issue. To problem z trzewiami.
to be taken ill
to become ill
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rozchorowac sie
He was taken ill yesterday. Rozchorowal sie wczoraj.
in a coma
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w spiaczce
The patient is comatose. Pacjent jest w spiaczce.
soft rather than firm, weak
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John is very old and most of his muscles are flaccid. John jest bardzo stary i wiekszosc jego miesni jest zwiotczala.
cerebral palsy
a physical condition involving permanent tightening of the muscles which is caused by damage to the brain around or before the time of birth
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porazenie mozgowe
Cerebral palsy doesn't always cause profound disabilities. Porazenie mozgowe nie zawsze powoduje glebokie uposledzenia.
to break the surface of the skin by rubbing against something rough
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drasnac, otrzec
He fell down and grazed his knee. On przewrocil sie i otarl sobie kolano.
an early unintentional end to a pregnancy when the baby is born too early and dies because it has not developed enough
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Paula had two miscarriages before she gave birth to her daughter. Paula dwa razy poronila zanim urodzila coreczke.
born dead
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urodzony martwy
The child was stillborn. Dziecko urodzilo sie martwe
to bend or hang down heavily
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Look at those drooping eyelids. Popatrz na te opadajace powieki.
to rest in order to get better after an illness
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dochodzic do siebie, wracac do zdrowia
After your operation, you'll need to convalesce for a week or two. Po operacji bedzie Pan(i) musial(a) dochodzic do siebie przez tydzien lub dwa.
great mental suffering and unhappiness, or great physical pain
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I know that waiting for the result of the medical tests can be torment. Wiem, ze czekanie na wyniki badan medycznych moze byc cierpieniem.
the stage in a person's life when they develop from a child into an adult because of changes in their body that make them able to have children
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okres dojrzewania plciowego
It will change at puberty. To sie zmieni w okresie dojrzewania plciowego.
any of various devices or drugs intended to prevent pregnancy
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srodek antykoncepcyjny
This clinic provides free contraceptives. Ta klinika zapewnia darmowe srodki antykoncepcyjne.
either of two small hollow spaces, one in each side of the heart, which force blood into the tubes leading from the heart to the other parts of the body
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The blood enters the right ventricle. Krew dociera do prawej komory.
withdrawal symptoms
the unpleasant physical and mental effects which result when you stop doing or taking something, especially a drug, which has become a habit
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symptomy odstawienia
He was suffering from all the classic withdrawal symptoms associated with giving up heroin, e.g. inability to sleep. Cierpial na wszystkie klasyczne symptomy odstawienia zwiazane z rzuceniem heroiny, np. niemoznosc spania.
surrogate mother
a woman who has a baby for another woman who is unable to become pregnant or have a baby herself
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matka zastepcza
She has agreed to act as a surrogate mother for her sister. Zgodzila sie byc matka zastepcza dla swojej siostry.
the loose skin and flesh under the jaw
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obwisly/opadajacy policzek
Are you talking about the patient with heavy jowls? Mowisz o tym pacjencie z opadajacymi policzkami?
to pronounce the sounds of a word in a way which is not clear, uncontrolled or wrong
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mamrotac, belkotac
I couldn't get his name because he was so drunk he could only slur. Nie dowiedzialam sie jego imienia gdyz byl tak pijany, ze byl w stanie tylko belkotac.
to relieve the symptoms of a disease or disorder
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It just palliates the symptoms. To tylko usmierza symptomy.
to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe
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It did nothing to alleviate her pain. To w zaden sposob nie zlagodzilo jej bolu.
to direct someone or something to a different place or person for information, help or action, often to a person or group with more knowledge or power
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I'll refer you to a specialist. Skieruje Pana(ia) do specjalisty.
the parts of the body that deal with the removal of urine
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(grzecznie/potocznie) uklad moczowy (doslownie - wodociag)
The doctor asked if he'd had any problems with his waterworks. Doktor zapytal czy on mial wczesniej problemy z ukladem moczowym.
an illness
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You can treat minor ailments yourself. Drobne dolegliwosci mozna leczyc samemu.
unable to control the excretion of urine or the contents of the bowels
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niemogacy powstrzymac moczu
Many of our elderly patients are incontinent. Wielu z naszych starszych pacjentow nie moze powstrzymac moczu.
to break or separate, especially by cutting
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oddzielic, odciac
Her foot was severed from her leg in a car accident. Jej stopa zostala odcieta w wypadku samochodowym.
an occasion when liquid is dropped by accident or the liquid that is dropped
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wyciek, plama
Look out, there's a medicine spillage next to the patient's bed. Uwazaj, obok lozka pacjenta jest plama/rozlane lekarstwo.
a particular way of walking
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chod, sposob chodzenia
The patient walks with a slow stiff gait. Pacjent chodzi w wolny, sztywny sposob.
a list of things that have to be done and of the people who will do them
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harmonogram dyzurow
What's the rota for next week? Jaki jest harmonogram dyzurow na nastepny tydzien?
club foot/talipes
a congenital deformity that develops in the womb during the first trimester and causes an abnormal twisting of the ankles, heels, toes and feet
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stopa konsko-szpotawa
Her son was born with club feet. Jej syn urodzil sie ze stopami konsko-szpotawymi.
a doctor who does the job of another doctor who is ill or on holiday
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lekarz w zastepstwie
We'll need a locum for today. Bedziemy potrzebowac zastepczego lekarza na dzisiaj.
needles and blades that must be thown away in a special container so that nobody gets hurt
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igly i ostrza
Remember to throw away the sharps into the sharps bin. Pamietaj o wyrzuceniu igiel do kosza na ostre odpadki.
a general feeling of being ill or having no energy, or an uncomfortable feeling that something is wrong, especially with society, and that you cannot change the situation
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zle samopoczucie
I believe only a medical examination can determine the cause of your malaise. Uwazam, ze tylko badanie medyczne moze okreslic powod Panskiego zlego samopoczucia.
having to stay in bed because of illness or injury
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zlozony choroba, przykuty do lozka
His aunt was 93 and bedridden. Jego ciotka miala 93 lata i byla przykuta do lozka.
weak and suffering from illness
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niedomagajacy, chorowity
I'll visit your ailing father this afternoon. Odwiedze Pani niedomagajacego ojca dzis popoludniu.
very thin and weak, usually because of illness or extreme hunger
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wyczerpany, wychudzony, wyniszczony
It's difficult to bear the sight of emaciated children. Trudno jest zniesc widok wychudzonych dzieci.
a very sudden attack of an illness involving unconsciousness or violent movement
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napad/atak choroby
He's just had an epileptic seizure. On wlasnie mial atak padaczki.
an almost solid piece of something
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He had a blood clot removed from his brain. Usunieto mu skrzep z mozgu.
slow development, or development which is slower than it should be
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opoznienie, niedorozwoj
Severe iron deficiency can cause developmental delay and growth retardation. Powazny niedobor zelaza moze spowodowac opoznie w rozwoju i nierozwoj wzrostu.
having a rough voice, often because of a sore throat or a cold
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Why the hoarse voice? Skad ta chrypa?
a small solid pill which contains a drug and which is put inside the anus where it dissolves easily
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I suggest using a suppository. Proponuje zastosowac czopek.
the onset of sth
the moment at which something unpleasant begins
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poczatek, nadejscie
The new treatment can delay the onset of the disease by several years. To nowe leczenie moze opoznic nadejscie choroby o kilka lat.
a mass of diseased cells which might become a lump or cause illness
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guz, nowotwor
They found a tumour in her breast. Znalezli u niej guza piersi.
describes a disease or a growth that is likely to get uncontrollably worse and lead to death
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Fortunately, the tumour is not malignant. Na szczescie ten nowotwor nie jest zlosliwy.
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