Słówka ze Spock tutorial

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Creating a test in Spock takes less time than using its standard equivalent
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równowartość, odpowiednik, ekwiwalent
These operations can be accomplished by really simple code, hence they do not veil test’s logic
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stąd, skutkiem tego, odtąd
These operations can be accomplished by really simple code, hence they do not veil test’s logic
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przesłaniać, zasłaniać, przysłaniać
Spock enforces developers to arrange their tests in BDD
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Taking all into consideration I gather that tests created in Spock tend to be more informative, better arranged and easier to understand for other developers
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wynagrodzenie, wzgląd, rozwaga
to turn into
Spock has turned testing into an extremely pleasant and rewarding experience
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przerodzić się w, zmienić się w, przemienić się
to take notice of
Please take notice how clear a declaration of a test in Spock is
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zwrócić uwagę na
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ułożone, zorganizować, zaaranżować, rozmieścić
first of all
First of all we want to specify the context within which we would like to test a functionality
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przede wszystkim
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The latter one is particularly interesting as it allows to create an extremely tiny tests
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drobny, malutki, maleńki
In Spock we can distinguish three classes that are able to override a behaviour of some other class or interface: Stubs, Mocks and Spies
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In this section we will focus on Stubs as unlike two others imitating other classes is their only responsibility
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inaczej, w odróżnieniu
Nevertheless the syntax for imitating behaviour is the same for all three classes, hence everything shown here will work the same way with Mocks and Spies
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Niemniej jednak
side effect
If we want to specify some side effect as the result of method invocation...
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efekt uboczny
Let’s elaborate a little on the problem that was raised in the previous example
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podniesiony, wzniesiony, wypukły
Let’s assume that this exception should be only thrown when the user with name Michael is being saved
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Using mocks has one drawback though that we have to be aware of
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wada, niedogodność, mankament
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również, podobnie, także
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wcześniejszy, uprzedni
Bear in mind
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Miej na uwadze
Having that in mind
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Mając to na uwadze
figure out
By far, you should have figured out from previous examples how to verify whether a certain type of exception has been thrown during the execution of a test
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dowiedzieć się, pojąć
To impose the execution of tests in the order in which they appear in class file we need to annotate a class with a @Stepwise annotation
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narzucać, nakładać
Spock tries to enhance the way you write tests, providing you with means to make them more descriptive and as easy to read as stories
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zwiększać, wzmacniać, uwydatniać
strive, usiłować
I always strive to make as descriptive test as possible
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dążyć, usiłować
apart from
Apart from section labels like given, when, then there is also a label and that can be used to split former labels into groups of related statements
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oprócz, abstrahując od
come across
In my current project I often come across classes which responsibility is to filter out invalid inputs.
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natknąć się
come up with
As I do not want to list all the conditions in a test name I try to come up with some business definition that would suggest others what is necessary in the particular scenario for positive validation
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