slowka sport/

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wszedl do banku
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he walk up to the bank
otworz te drzwi
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open up the door
'I've got things to do!!!'
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mam wiele rzeczy do zrobienia
I'll tell you when she gets in
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powiem ci gdy ona bedzie
I'll come back to you late
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przyjde do ciebie pozniej
He also
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on rowniez
he shouts
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on krzyknol
'Put your hands in the air now!!!' he shouts
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unies rece do gory teraz on rozkazal
he warns
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on ostrzegl
she goes out of the shop
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ona wyszla z tego sklepu
The police officer draws his gun and fires
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ten policjant siegnol jego pistolet i strzelil
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lacznie, rowniez
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so most players have other full time job
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wiec wiekszoszc graczy ma rowniez prace na caly etat
Many people also
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wiele ludzi rowniez
Horse racing
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jazda konna

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