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nie lubię tego ojca
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i don't like his fater
oni nie sąw tym domu
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they aren't in the hause
ona nie jest na ulicy
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she isn't in the street
on nie chce tego samochodu
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he doesn't want the car
to nie jest ich dom
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it isn't their hause.
nie odwiedzimy jej matki każdego dnia
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we don't visit her mather every day.
on nie jest miłym chłopcem
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he isn't a nice boy
mam samochód
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i have a car
czy masz samochód?
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have jou a car?
tak mam
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yes, i have.
nie nie mam
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no, i have not
ona ma ładny dom
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she has a nice hause
dziękuję za
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to thank for
pisać do
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to write
brać wziąć
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to take
on często pisze do mary
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she often writes to mary
wchodzić do
oni zawsze wchodzą pierwsi do tego domu
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to go into
they always go first into the haus

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