Słówka 30.11

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to repel
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dirty, unpleasant because of being neglected, plugawy
to covet
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when you want to posses sth that sb else has
to entice
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to allure, to tempt
to rejoice at
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to be joyful
to blot
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doing sth very quickly
to avenge sth
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pomścić, to take revenge of sth
to take its toll
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to cause loss or damage
to repeal
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to withdraw, uchylić
to undo
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odwiązać, rozpiąć, rozpinać, untrue or unfasten, destroy the effect of sth
to grind to a halt
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to stop (idiom)
to spill sth
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cause sth to run over the edge (e.g. oil)
sth is initiated into sth
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sth is introduced into sth
spill the beans
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reveal a secret
to spill blood
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to share blood
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fate, rest of people I have in mind
to haul
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to push with effort, ciągnąć, przewozić
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wide spread, present everywhere
to huff and puff
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to breath heavily because of exhaustion (or show annoyance)
to flaunt
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to show off, wear sth proudly
in earnest
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to brandish
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wave in a threatening way, wymachiwać
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causing fear, difficult to deal with, inspiring respect, imressive
a reproof
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a remark, disapproval rebuke, bura, strofować
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showing not sufficient respect or seriousness
to miss sth by a whisker
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to miss sth by a small margin
a whisker
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włos czuciowy
to be no stranger to sth
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I have some experience, it is not the 1st time
to give sb a glare
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to look at sb angrily
a glare
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an angry look, blask słońca, uporczywie/gniewne spojrzenie
to part with sb
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to say goodbye
parting glance
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kind of glance that says goodbye
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(of people) thinking too much of oneself, exalted, noble, patetyczny, wzniosły
to have some baring on
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to have some influence, relevance
barren land
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unable to grow anything on it, jałowy
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jeśli nie będzie
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location, where sb/sth is
to linger
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to remain one place in small quantities, zwlekać, ociągać się

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