Słówka 3.10.11

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Domanda English Risposta English
to sow
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to plant, put sth in the ground
impress sth on sb
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make sb keenly aware of sth, uzmysłowić
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instant of using all your potential, trying really hard
to disperse
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cause sth to go in a different direction
to relish
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to enjoy greatly
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taking care of every detail
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a venue
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place of meeting
a sample
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small amount to taste sth
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released on (...) - on condition that you promise to behave well, won't commit a crime
on location
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in natural surroundings, w plenerze
sb's dwelling
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place of living
to dwell in a place
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to leave a place
dwell on sth
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talking about sth in the past in length
to brim sth with sth
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napełniać po brzegi
speech impediment
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wada wymowy
hard of hearing
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unable to hear well
to hit the sack
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to go to sleep
remote possibility
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to lessen
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to make sth smaller
a deterrent
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sth that stops sb from doing sth
to brave
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to endure sth challenging without showing fear, face sth bravely
to slew around
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to turn around
to fall behind with
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to fail to pay your bills on time / do work on time
incurs sth on sb
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cause oneself to suffer
come down to
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can be summarised as
make up for
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to compensate
to shuffle
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(...) cards - tasować karty, walk without taking feet of the ground, szurać
constant practice
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meandering course
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winding, meandrujący
sth registered on sth
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became visible, noticeable
built up
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maintain a brave front
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maintain one's composure although it is difficult
kitchen range
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żeliwna płyta na starej kuchence
course of action
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kierunek działania

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