Słówka 12.10.11

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it’s claimed to be
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wykoleić się
to steer away from
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to avoid
to do up
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a void
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an empty space, vacuum, renons, pustkowie
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driven by wind, dryfujący, znoszony przez prąd
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a ship can (...) - it touches the ground and is unable to move
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go on the shore
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slopping, skośny e.g. cheesiness's eyes
to make out
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to understand
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(with anger) extremely angry
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extremely great
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mistakes in a printed text
menial jobs
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easy jobs that require physical effort
to imbue sb with sth
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to fill sb with sth, e.g. with patriotism
the raffle
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loteria, lottery organised especially for charity
jump through the roof
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to make sb endure a test od an ordeal
an ordeal
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to be in a terrible jam
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to be in trouble
muscle tone
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well developed muscles
to hold fast to sth
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to tighten
of paramount
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of great iportance
claim peoples lives
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sacrifice lives
to usher sb
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to help sb to find a seat
to rejoice at/over
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to feel great joy

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